Norwescon 23 Artist Registration
Artists and Agents: Please fill out this form for your membership and fill out the "Art Show 2000 at Norwescon" form to reserve space.
Norwescon 23 Art Show
PO Box 68547
Seattle, WA 98168-0547
Only Artists and their agents may enter work in the Norwescon 23 Art Show. All Agents must give the art show a copy of their authorization from the represented artist. Attending members will be asked for photo identification and signature when checking in.
Suggestion - Make a copy of this form, and a copy of your method of payment (check, money order, cash receipt), save it, and take it with you to the convention. Just to be safe. Please print clearly, thank you.
Artist____________________________ Agent_____________________________ Badge Name Birthdate_____/_____/
Address___________________________ City____________________________ State/Prov_____________Zip/PC__________ Phone(_________) E-mail__________________________ I agree to abide by the rules and policies of Norwescon. Signature___________________________________ Date_____/_____/ Checkmark the membership you are purchasing: __________ Attending Art Show Membership ($35) __________ Nonattending Art Show Membership ($25)