Friday Schedule

What follows is a listing of all panels and events planned for Friday, April 18th.

Schedules for the rest of the weekend are linked from the main schedule page, or you can go directly to ThursdaySaturday, or Sunday.

We will be updating this list as major changes occur, until the convention opens. Last updated Mar 11, 2025 @ 7:23 pm.

7 a.m. PDT (10 a.m. EDT / 2 p.m. GMT)

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Friday Lazer Tag

Grand 2
7:30–9 a.m.
Free Play will open with Laser Tag. Rules for each session will be posted. Those underage players must have a parent present to play. Equipment is provided at the play area.

9 a.m. PDT (Noon EDT / 4 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Stefan Rudnicki

Cascade 3
9–9:30 a.m.
Wilde. As a lauded artist and purveyor of style, Oscar Wilde was one of the most profound artists and celebrated wits of Europe. This novelization by Stefan Rudnicki of the Stephen Fry film, Wilde is a tragic story of this extraordinary man’s awakening and its consequences. The reader, Stefan Rudnicki, is the author of this piece and renowned Audiobook Golden Voice and Grammy winner.
Stefan Rudnicki (M)

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Youth – Friday Cartoons and Coloring

Cascade 12
9–10 a.m.
Start your day with some coloring sheets and cartoons.
Jenny Shafer (M)

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Reading: Jessie Kwak

Cascade 3
9:30–10 a.m.
Come join Jessie Kwak for a reading. Rated G.
Jessie Kwak (M)

10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT / 5 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Brianna Malotke

Cascade 3
10–10:30 a.m.
“Vertebrae Metronome.” Poetry from my most recent horror poetry collection, Lost Cherry. Rated PG.
Brianna Malotke (M)

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Using TTRPGs to Enhance Your Novels

Cascade 10
10–11 a.m.
For years, authors like R.A. Salvatore, Jim Butcher, Brandon Sanderson, and Steven Erikson have been inspired by TTRPGs, used game rules to determine outcomes of fights, or even started writing novels because of, or based on, the game world they created as game masters. What’s the secret? What makes a tabletop roleplaying game a useful tool for an author? Join us and find out!
Meagan Maricle (M), Ron Lundeen, Jason Tondro, Darrin Drader, Virginia Black

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There is No Movie in Ba Sing Se

Cascade 11
10–11 a.m.
Many adaptations are forgettable, but some are unforgivable. Come discuss where your favorite stories went horribly wrong in their journey to a new medium and play script doctor to diagnose how they might still be redeemed on screen in the future. This panel includes a reviled adaptations pop quiz with prizes.
Rogue Bonaventura (M), Andrew Penn Romine, Jake Yorgason, Stephen Merrill, Luke Elliott

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Youth – Jewelry Making

Cascade 12
10–11 a.m.
Let’s make some jewelry! Guided projects for different skill levels.
Jenny Shafer (M), Bryana Bean, Cindy Fangour

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Weaving Words

Cascade 5 & 6
10–11 a.m.
Come discuss ways to identify your theme, tone, and target audience and ways in which you can elevate your story to craft something memorable in the minds of your readers.
Dean Wells (M), Erik Grove, Eva L. Elasigue, Brenda Cooper, Gwendolyn N. Nix

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The Next Truly Historic Achievement in the History of Human Spaceflight?

Cascade 9
10–11 a.m.
What do our panelists think is going to be humanity’s next historic achievement in space? Establishing a base on the moon, creating a city on Mars, sending a probe to another star…?
Phil L. Swan (M), Dan Dubrick, Jane Campbell

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Horror Fiction, Horrific Reality

Evergreen 1 & 2
10–11 a.m.
During horrific times, is fictional horror too much to take, or is it more important than ever? Let’s talk about it!
Julie McGalliard (M), Isis Asare, Kristie Felice, Dustin Campbell, Jon Lasser

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Weapons in Space

Evergreen 3 & 4
10–11 a.m.
Directed energy, particle beam, kinetic energy, missiles and depleted uranium. Which would be efficient, practical, and how would they work? Are they accurately portrayed in film and TV? We’ll not only look at “pushing the tech” but also how that affects fighting, referencing alternative timeline stories and how the portrayal of tech and its influence on fighting can help or hurt the believability.
Agathon McGeachy (M), Peter Fuller, Tom Lawhead, Teresa Drag, Morgan Smathers

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Longing Looks

Grand 2
10–11 a.m.
The alluring worlds of romantasy can be found in every bookstore. Together with our panelists, we’ll discuss and dissect the differences between just having romance in a book and romantasy itself, how it found a resonance with audiences, and where to get started with your own.
Brenda Carre (M), Ava Thorne, Shanna Germain, Tom D Wright, Anastasia Wilde

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Interview and Q&A with Writer Guest of Honor Catherynne M. Valente

Grand 3
10–11 a.m.
Come join us for an interview with Norwescon 47’s writer guest of honor, Catherynne M. Valente, and get a chance to ask your own questions during the Q&A.
Catherynne M. Valente (M)

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Speed Friending

Maxi’s Lounge
10–11 a.m.
Want to get to know other congoers, but the idea of striking up a conversation with someone you don’t know makes you think about running the other way? One, welcome! You’re in a lot of good company when it comes to meeting new people. Two, we have a solution to feeling alone in a crowd! This is similar to speed dating. You sit down with someone, each of you talk for up to two minutes about easy topics: have you been to NWC before, what events sound interesting this year, what are your fandoms? If the two of you want to talk further, exchange info! Otherwise, hey, you still met someone! And every few minutes, you both switch to someone new and start again. Find some of your future friends here!
Tabby L Rose (M)

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Cosplay Photography Workshop

Maxi’s Ballroom
10–11:30 a.m.
Come work with a veteran photographer and a veteran cosplayer to learn tips and tricks for doing great cosplay photography in a hands-on environment! We’ll walk to a few different settings and learn how to take the best photos in each one, based on lighting, costume considerations, and more. Bring your phone, your camera, or your cosplay, and come ready to get some great photos! Cosplayers and photographers are all welcome, at any level of skill and equipment.
Andrew Williams (M), Torrey Stenmark

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You Want Me to Read My Own Work?!?

Cascade 13
10 a.m.–Noon
Seminar for authors to refine public reading skills of their own works by Grammy winning audiobook producer. Limited to 15. Sign up will be open the day before at the Information table in the lobby.
Gabrielle de Cuir (M)

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Let’s Make A Movie: Plan It!

Cascade 7 & 8
10 a.m.–Noon
Norwescon’s original movie making workshop (begun in 2000) will show you how to make a movie on a shoestring in just a few hours! But first we’ll talk basics: what equipment do you need to make a movie (hint: it might already be in your pocket) and how can you make it look better? Learn our tips ‘n tricks we’ve picked up over the years. Then, we open it up to you, our audience, to come up with an idea, develop it into something doable at a con, plan the shoot, do some quick casting and pretty much anything else we can think of. This is your chance to be a part of this unique workshop and learn how to make a movie on a budget so tiny, calling it “tiny” makes people who are tiny feel insulted. The key to making a movie, of course, is good planning! If you want to get in on the action tomorrow, you’ll want to be here for the planning.
Ryan K. Johnson (M), Brian D. Oberquell, Edward Martin III

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Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator

Maxi’s Salon
10 a.m.–10 p.m.
Artemis is a spaceship bridge simulator where players assume the jobs of captains, helm, science, communication, engineering, and weapons and work together to defeat alien enemies.

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Lakeside Gaming 1st Floor: All Ages Scheduled Games

Rotunda 1
10 a.m.–10 p.m.
Come sign up for a game! We have Pathfinder Society, RPGs, card games, and more! After Gaming closes, this area is available for open games. Lakeside Gaming is accessible via the 2nd-floor skybridge.

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Lakeside Gaming 2nd Floor: All Ages Scheduled Games

Rotunda 2
10 a.m.–10 p.m.
Come sign up for a game! We have Pathfinder Society, RPGs, card games, and more! After Gaming closes, this area is available for open games. Lakeside Gaming is accessible via the 2nd-floor skybridge.

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All Ages Open Gaming

Olympic 1
10 a.m.–Noon
Want to set up your own game? Head to our new location in Wing 7 which has space for your RPG, board, or card games. Check one out from Dragonflight’s Lending Library or bring your own.

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All Ages Open Gaming

Olympic 2
10 a.m.–Noon
Come check out games from our lending libraries. We have RPGs, card games, board games, and more! An official state license or state ID is needed to check out games. This space has tables to play the games you borrow.

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Reading: Felicity Harley

Cascade 3
10:30–11 a.m.
The Burning Years. The author reads excerpts about climate change and how imminent it is. Rated G.
Felicity Harley (M)

11 a.m. PDT (2 p.m. EDT / 6 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Daryl Gregory

Cascade 3
11–11:30 a.m.
The Porcelain Sisters. Two sisters, one of them a haunted doll, go on the road to locate the doll’s creator and find out who killed their mother. Characters include a French witch mafia, a demonic cat, a chain-smoking crow, and an assassin who’s part ragdoll. Rated PG.
Daryl Gregory (M)

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Presented by BritCon: How Big is Space in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy?

Cascade 10
11 a.m.–Noon
Always know where your towel is. How The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy lets us know how really big space is.
Dawn Shaw (M), Ian Shaw, Michael Citrak, Eva L. Elasigue, Morgan Smathers

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That Was Awkward! – Tips for Tricky Conversations

Cascade 11
11 a.m.–Noon
Many of us would rather let silence grow over a misunderstanding or weird interaction. But more silence equals more disconnection from the people in our life. In an era where so much of our communication happens via technology, the room for bad assumptions keeps growing. If we want to deepen and repair our friendships and community, we have to step into awkward conversation spaces. Learn encouraging tips, ideas, and models for having those conversations and become equipped to repair those silent gaps in your relationships.
Elise Stephens (M), Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, Shoshana “Sho” Glick, Robert King, Mona West

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Youth – Chapter Book Storytime

Cascade 12
11 a.m.–Noon
Interested in longer books? Come hear the first chapters of middle-grade books.
Jenny Shafer (M), Miranda Levi, Scotty McIntosh, SandraRosa Bryant

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The Breech – Loading Black Powder Cannon

Cascade 5 & 6
11 a.m.–Noon
Most are familiar with cannon and firearms that load through the muzzle (“muzzle loaders”), but another kind of cannon, the breech-loader, was an early development and remained popular until the early 19th century. See an example of a breech-loading medieval cannon and find out about its operations and pros and cons. Note: No live ammunition components will be on the premises.
Bill Gruner (M), Norman K. Moss, Michael Ormes, Travis Partington, Dr. Mark Rounds

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Readers and Writers: Who Reads YA?

Cascade 9
11 a.m.–Noon
YA is for everyone but is still targeted at “young adults.” What does that mean for marketing purposes? What does that mean for writing purposes? Learn from panelists about the true audience of YA. This is part of a series about readers and writers of YA.
Leslie Lutz (M), L.J. Melvin, Marta Murvosh, Brianna Tibbetts, Charlie Hunts

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Space Debris, the Kessler Syndrome, and Mitigation

Evergreen 1 & 2
11 a.m.–Noon
Low Earth orbit is becoming increasingly crowded with active and inactive satellites, expended rocket motors, and just plain junk. It’s just a matter of time before low Earth orbits become unusable. A discussion of when, or if, this will happen, and what is being done to stop the debris.
Dan Dubrick (M), Jane Campbell , Dr. Sean Robinson, Jay Donnaway, Ben Honeycutt

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Infusing Wonder

Evergreen 3 & 4
11 a.m.–Noon
Explore the wondrous quality of fantasy stories, how they stoke our curiosity and evoke that childlike imagination that drives us to turn every page. We will discuss our favorite worlds and what it is about them that inspires the next generation of writers.
Catherine Cooke Montrose (M), Wren Handman , J.T. Greathouse, Carl Engle-Laird, CA McDonald

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The Business of Art

Grand 2
11 a.m.–Noon
Curious about working in the world of art? Maybe you’ve been an artist for a while and have questions on where to begin? Join us as we delve into how to choose services, learn networking, and what you should expect in contracts and getting paid without feeling you got ripped off.
Elizabeth Guizzetti (M), Wayne Barlowe, Sean Nathan Ricks, Brittany Torres, Alan M. Clark

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Interview and Q&A with Spotlight Publisher Guest of Honor Paizo featuring Jenny Jarzabski and Mike Kimmel

Grand 3
11 a.m.–Noon
Come join us for an interview with Norwescon 47’s spotlight publisher guest of honor, Paizo Inc. featuring Jenny Jarzabski and Mike Kimmel and get a chance to ask your own questions during the Q&A.
Jenny Jarzabski, Mike Kimmel

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Newcomers Welcome to Norwescon

Lobby Photo Area
11 a.m.–Noon
First time at Norwescon? Returning after a long absence? Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here! The convention’s chair and/or vice chair will orient you to Norwescon, fill you in on where to find the fun stuff, and answer your questions about the convention.

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Reading: Ellis Bray

Cascade 3
11:30 a.m.–Noon
Day 3. A quiet ghost story that looks at the effects of addiction, dementia, and impossible family relationships. Rated PG.
Ellis Bray (M)

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Verily, A New Hope

Maxi’s Lounge
11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.
Live reading of scenes from Star Wars: A New Hope, but á la Shakespeare. We need actors to have fun with it, and an audience ready to laugh!
Tabby L Rose (M)

Noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT / 7 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Remy Nakamura

Cascade 3
Noon–12:30 p.m.
The No-No Girls. Japanese American women working on diesel battlemechs in US WW2 concentration camps stage a jail break. Rated R.
Remy Nakamura (M)

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3D Printing, Laser Cutting, & Resin Casting! Oh my!

Cascade 10
Noon–1 p.m.
Kick your costume and prop design game up a couple of notches with these advanced techniques.
Scotty McIntosh (M), Melissa Quinn, Darren McKinty, RVT, Douglas Herring, Cailon

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Telling a Good Historical Tale

Cascade 11
Noon–1 p.m.
How do you tell a good story that is based on historical fact? How can you blend elements of other fiction genres together with history?
Pat Reed (M), Tegan Moore, Ben Thompson, Joseph Brassey, D.L. Solum

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Ask Us Anything About Photoshop

Cascade 13
Noon–1 p.m.
From creating art to making book covers to graphic design, Adobe Photoshop is as versatile as it is complicated. Perhaps you’re a new user and want advice on where to start or an experienced user and want to discuss tool techniques; everyone is welcome to this Q&A with two of Norwescon’s very own artists. Join Rob Carlos, Norwescon 44 artist GOH, and Brittany Torres, Norwescon 46 best in show art show winner, as they chat about the program they use daily as digital fantasy artists.
Brittany Torres (M), Rob Carlos

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Come On, Just Let Me Poke You: Vaccines

Cascade 5 & 6
Noon–1 p.m.
We have come a long way from injecting each other with the pus from cowpox pustules. See what’s new.
Dr. Ricky (M), Charlotte Lewis Brown, Julie McGalliard, V. Franklin, Alan Andrist

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The Many Shades of Fantasy

Cascade 7 & 8
Noon–1 p.m.
Fantasy boasts diverse sub-genres, each with distinct styles and elements. We will define the features of these sub-genres, provide insights into what makes them unique and suggest stories that embody these characteristics.
Marta Murvosh (M), Stephen Merrill, Joseph Malik, Jake Yorgason, Thomas Theron

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Memorable NPC Design

Cascade 9
Noon–1 p.m.
More than just barkeeps or innkeepers, more than just quest givers, NPCs are the supporting cast that populate your adventure. Our gaming experts discuss what makes an NPC stand out and how to create a character that players will talk about long after the campaign ends.
Jenny Jarzabski (M), Jessica Redekop, Logan Bonner, Mike Kimmel, Jason Nelson

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What about AI?

Evergreen 1 & 2
Noon–1 p.m.
So, artificial intelligence (AI)–is it less than the awakening of the entire internet or more than a way of making pictures of people with too many fingers? Where did it come from, where is it going, and what the heck is it doing right now? Our panelists will try to apply some natural intelligence to the topic of AI.
Brenda Cooper (M), Daniel H. Wilson, Dr. Sean Robinson, Andrew Williams, Dana Kippel

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Originality of Evil

Evergreen 3 & 4
Noon–1 p.m.
Scary stories are as old as campfires. Are there any original ideas left in the genre or just new twists on old favorites? Why do we keep coming back to the same premises and what are some of the freshest takes on familiar plots?
Shoshana “Sho” Glick (M), Aigner Loren Wilson, Catherynne M. Valente, AJ, Emily C. Skaftun

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Catch a Small Publisher’s Eye

Grand 2
Noon–1 p.m.
Among the many paths to publication today, small publishers still provide unique benefits. What are some signs your project may be a good fit for a small publisher? What are the editors looking for? Do you need an agent to submit? Publishers from the Pacific Northwest discuss author success stories, manuscript wish lists, and what kinds of books their readers love.
Amanda Cherry (M), Talulah J. Sullivan, Patrick Swenson, Tara Campbell, Isis Asare

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Interview and Q&A with Science Guest of Honor Tracy Drain

Grand 3
Noon–1 p.m.
Come join us for an interview with Norwescon 47’s science guest of honor, Tracy Drain, and get a chance to ask your own questions during the Q&A.
Tracy Drain (M)

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Making a Showgirl Boa Tail & Bridle

Maxi’s Ballroom
Noon–1:30 p.m.
Ever thought of looking like a showgirl with a big, fluffy, feathery tail and bridle? In this workshop you will learn wire bending and knotting to assemble tail and bridle frames. All the frame materials will be provided, along with boas, ostrich feathers, and strapping to complete your bridle in this workshop. Limit 12 adults (18+) participants and those adults who just want to watch.
RAND the vampire (M)

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Reading: Ava Thorne

Cascade 3
12:30–1 p.m.
Neon Flux is what happens when a fantasy romance author who spent time in big tech watches too much anime. The story follows two outsiders surviving in a world where data controls everything, and the data is controlled by the biggest corporation of them all. In a future with limitless clean energy, why is the divide between rich and poor the largest it’s ever been? Rated R.
Ava Thorne (M)

1 p.m. PDT (4 p.m. EDT / 8 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Dean Wells

Cascade 3
1–1:30 p.m.
Come join Dean Wells for a reading. Rated PG
Dean Wells (M)

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First Aid for Your Working Horse

Cascade 10
1–2 p.m.
Horses can be great elegant beasts full of grace and speed. But their size can get them into cuts, bruises, and scrapes. How does a horse owner judge the extent of minor injuries and take effective remedial action?
Ann Shilling (M), Talulah J. Sullivan, V. Franklin, Judy R. Johnson, Darren McKinty, RVT

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Black and Autistic

Cascade 11
1–2 p.m.
People who are both Black and autistic face unique challenges (being misunderstood and bullied for acting and sounding “white,” for example). Come hear our panelists share their experiences and how they take on the world.
Lydia K. Valentine (M), Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, C Hawthorne

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Youth – Pirates Ahoy!

Cascade 12
1–2 p.m.
Ahoy! Are ye interested in pirates? Learn some pirate swordplay, make a craft, and listen to pirate stories.
Jenny Shafer (M), Morgan Smathers

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A Sequel by Any Other Name is Still a Pain

Cascade 5 & 6
1–2 p.m.
You’ve written a book. It was maybe book one of a series or a stand-alone or just some idea you wanted to explore. But it’s done, and now you’re tasked with its sequel. We’ll discuss the qualities of effective second novels and how to implement those into your own work.
Catherine Cooke Montrose (M), Jessie Kwak, Curtis C. Chen, Rosemary Jones, Joseph Malik

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Adaptation as Mutation or Would a Droid by Any Other Name Beep as Sweet?

Cascade 7 & 8
1–2 p.m.
From Dan Simmons’ Hyperion Cantos series (structured like Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales but in space) to 90% of high school Shakespeare productions, there is a strong pop culture tradition of re-contextualizing classics into SF&F settings. But what about the inverse? Would A Game of Thrones work as a clash of Mafia families? What about medieval The Terminator? Come speculate on mutated speculative fiction or pitch your own massively reimagined take on a genre classic.
Brooks Peck (M), Maquel A. Jacob, Emily C. Skaftun, Jack Samm, Kris “Pepper” Hambrick

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Patterns are Just a Suggestion

Cascade 9
1–2 p.m.
Come learn about patterns and basic alterations to achieve a better fit and the designs of your dreams.
Melissa Quinn (M), Richard Stephens, Theresa Halbert, Ieva Ohaks, Ms Purple Pearl

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Presented by BritCon: What is Your Favorite Version of King Arthur?

Evergreen 1 & 2
1–2 p.m.
Many believe The Once and Future King is the best, others Le Morte d’Arthur. And what about movie versions? King Arthur: Legend of the Sword or maybe Excalibur.
Michael Citrak (M), Gabrielle de Cuir, Marlow Weaver, Ian Shaw, Nick Fraser

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Whose Science is it Anyway?

Evergreen 3 & 4
1–2 p.m.
They think they know it all about their topic. Watch a Who’s Line is it Anyway?-style science production. You might even get to pick. You might even be on the panel! Join us for the third year of this panel.
Jake McKinzie (M), Dr. Ricky, Colette Breshears, Torrey Stenmark, David D. Levine, Charlotte Lewis Brown

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What do We do When the A Becomes I?

Grand 2
1–2 p.m.
Today much of what the public sees in artificial intelligence (AI) is just a bunch of algorithms, making predictions based on input. Even the most advanced computers aren’t what we’d consider sentient. What will we do when we actually achieve true thinking machines? What will our relationship with them be? Adversarial? Master/slave (and in which direction)? Friends? What should we do to create a relationship with these new beings?
Bryana Bean (M), Daniel H. Wilson, Brian U. Garrison, Brenda Cooper, Jon Lasser

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Interview and Q&A with Special Guest of Honor Isis Asare

Grand 3
1–2 p.m.
Come join us for an interview with Norwescon 47’s special guest of honor, Isis Asare, and get a chance to ask your own questions during the Q&A.
Isis Asare (M)

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Freelancing 101: How to Get Your Break in the Gaming Industry

Cascade 13
1–2 p.m.
Our gaming industry professionals give their advice and tips on how to break into the gaming industry as a freelance writer. What are the steps to becoming a role playing game (RPG) freelancer? What are some processes and tools you can use to make sure your work stands out and gets you more work?
Ron Lundeen (M), Carlos Cabrera, Jason Tondro, Celeste Conowitch, Banana Chan

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Reading: Amy Sundberg

Cascade 3
1:30–2 p.m.
In celebration of the recent release of Stars, Hide Your Fires, the second book in the Satori Chronicles, Amy will be reading from My Stars Shine Darkly, the first book in the series, as well as discussing her new work. Rated PG.
Amy Sundberg (M)

2 p.m. PDT (5 p.m. EDT / 9 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Brianna Tibbetts

Cascade 3
2–2:30 p.m.
Through Fear. Desperate to protect her children, Cassandra escaped her own personal hell, only to stumble into an old home that shows every sign of being haunted. Rated PG.
Brianna Tibbetts (M)

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Flash Fiction Podcasting

Cascade 10
2–3 p.m.
Hugo Award winner Stefan Rudnicki addresses all aspects of story podcasting.
Stefan Rudnicki (M)

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Kill Them All – God Will Know His Own

Cascade 11
2–3 p.m.
In the Middle Ages, a heresy took hold among the common people of what is now Southern France, then was supported by an independent-minded nobility. It involved good versus evil, and even reincarnation. The Roman Catholic Church could not tolerate it. Only a crusade could settle the matter.
V Whitlock (M), Pat Reed, Ann Shilling, Robert King, Jonathan JD Davenport

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Youth – Vision Boards

Cascade 12
2–3 p.m.
Vision boards are tangible representations of visions, goals, and ideas. Get inspired and make your own.
Jenny Shafer (M), Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, Gabrielle de Cuir, SandraRosa Bryant

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Shadow on the Shelf

Cascade 5 & 6
2–3 p.m.
The use of gothic themes continues to find a place that resonates and draws in audiences. Come discuss the themes and tropes that differentiate gothic stories from horror.
Evan J. Peterson (M), Rosemary Jones, Thomas Theron, Caitlin Starling, Laura Cranehill

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Wig Making

Cascade 7 & 8
2–3 p.m.
Top off that costume with a customized wig. Panelists will share their (mis)adventures and experience in styling and making wigs.
Melissa Quinn (M), Torrey Stenmark

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Words of Wonder: Intro to Speculative Poetry

Cascade 9
2–3 p.m.
Dive into the otherworldly ideas coming to life within speculative poetry, and groups such as the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association. Attendees will be introduced to time-tested favorites and award-winning poems by today’s best speculative poets.
Brian U. Garrison (M), Sarah Grey, Jessica Rae Bergamino, Dana Kippel, Brianna Malotke

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Welcome to the Dark Side: Early Horror Experiences

Evergreen 1 & 2
2–3 p.m.
What late-night glimpse of a movie scared the heck out of you when you were eight? What forbidden book gives you nightmares to this day? Our panel discusses some of their formative horror experiences and gives tips for where to go next if you’re new to the horror genre.
Mark Allen (M), Shoshana “Sho” Glick, Maquel A. Jacob, Elizabeth Guizzetti, Dustin Campbell

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Worldbuilding Series 202: Myth and Magic

Evergreen 3 & 4
2–3 p.m.
Beyond the foundations of the world, the unique expressions of arts, rituals, and magic set the stage of your fantasy story. Explore how to set these apart from one another and weave them together into your worldbuilding.
G.R. Theron (M), Jeff Sturgeon, Kate Ristau, Catherine Cooke Montrose, Brenda Carre

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Top Five Space Companies for the Next Five Years

Grand 2
2–3 p.m.
Our panelists assess the capabilities of the current top five space development companies. Who are they and what is their role in the next five years?
Jane Campbell (M), Phil L. Swan, Russell Ervin, Dr. Sean Robinson, Hugh S. Gregory

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Interview and Art with Artist Guest of Honor Wayne Barlowe

Grand 3
2–3 p.m.
Come join us for an interview with Norwescon 47’s artist guest of honor, Wayne Barlowe, and get a chance to ask your own questions during the Q&A.
Wayne Barlowe (M)

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Beads – Let’s Make Some Jewelry

Maxi’s Ballroom
2–3:30 p.m.
Come make necklaces, bracelets or earrings. All supplies provided. Limit 12 participants. $5.00 cost, cash only. Sign up will open at the information table 24 hours before the panel.
Cindy Fangour (M)

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Seattle Worldcon 2025 Tea Party

Presidential Suite 1360
2–3:30 p.m.
Come to a tea party hosted by the Seattle Worldcon 2025 team! Meet some of the plotters and planners, hear about what a Worldcon entails, and add your two cents about how to make it a great event. Seattle Worldcon 2025 will be at the Seattle Convention Center August 13-17, 2025. The tea party will feature a special blend of tea, snacks, and conversation. You can learn more about the convention and buy a membership at, or by visiting the club table in the lobby.
Kathy (M)

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Reading: Curtis C. Chen

Cascade 3
2:30–3 p.m.
True Blue Kangaroo. Kangaroo #3, released in October of 2024, in which our intrepid secret agent with a pocket universe superpower is sent to the planet Venus in order to infiltrate a secret “blue site” prison habitat where shady shenanigans are suspected. Rated PG.
Curtis C. Chen (M)

3 p.m. PDT (6 p.m. EDT / 10 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: David D. Levine

Cascade 3
3–3:30 p.m.
Vaudevaliens. America, 1910. Two down-on-their-luck song-and-dance men meet up with a couple of guys from way, way, way out of town. Together they will either make it big on Broadway or destroy the world. Rated G.
David D. Levine (M)

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Space Defense – Are We Ready to Deflect an Asteroid?

Cascade 10
3–4 p.m.
Currently there has been exactly one mission to divert an asteroid. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission did minutely deflect an asteroid from its current path. In 2027, we will have another close pass by a potentially hazardous asteroid. Will we have the capability to divert an asteroid away from Earth?
Hugh S. Gregory (M), Dr. Sean Robinson, Howard Davidson, Ed Buchan, Dan Dubrick

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Monsters You Don’t Have to Imagine

Cascade 11
3–4 p.m.
We’re not talking people here, but the wide world of “ewww, that’s gross…yet strangely cool.”
Colette Breshears (M), Leigh Harlen, Evan J. Peterson, Charlotte Lewis Brown, Darren McKinty, RVT

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Youth – Disney Singalong

Cascade 12
3–4 p.m.
Sing along to favorite songs from Disney shows.
Jenny Shafer (M), Scotty McIntosh, Morgan Smathers

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Marketing Your Indie Project

Cascade 5 & 6
3–4 p.m.
Congratulations! You’ve written a novel and self-published it. But how will readers find it? How will you build your audience? Suddenly you’re wearing several new hats: publisher, marketing manager, entrepreneur. Where do you start? Should you go wide or stay exclusive to Amazon? How much does it all cost? We’ll discuss indie marketing basics such as author newsletters, promotional sites, ads, group promos, and social media, and how authors are using them to sell books and build successful indie careers.
Anastasia Wilde (M), Timothy W. Long, Sierra Cross, Jessie Kwak, Richard Flores IV

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All About the Philip K. Dick Award

Cascade 7 & 8
3–4 p.m.
Presented annually at Norwescon with the support of the Philip K. Dick Trust, this award recognizes distinguished science fiction published in original paperback form in the United States during the previous calendar year. It is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and the Philip K. Dick Trust and the award ceremony is sponsored by Norwescon.
Gordon Van Gelder (M), Bora Chung, Tara Campbell, Subodhana Wijeyeratne

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Digital Art Programs

Cascade 9
3–4 p.m.
You want to work in digital art but don’t know which software to choose? What program is best? Come and see what the pros use for their art and see what’s right for you!
Lizzy D. Hill (M), Ellis Bray, Wayne Barlowe, Michael Brugger, Andrew Penn Romine

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Root Beer Float Social for Teens/Tweens

Con Lounge
3–4 p.m.
Calling all pre-teens and teens (ages 11- 18) to come meet and enjoy a root beer or other soda float! Hear tales told ’round the fire by elders and share your own adventures! Drink, feast, and be merry!!

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Eat the Rich: Class Struggles in Horror

Evergreen 1 & 2
3–4 p.m.
Vampires are stand-ins for the parasitical upper classes. Vicious class conflicts drive films like Parasite and Ready or Not. Horror has a long history of using violent metaphor to comment on money, power, exploitation, and rebellion. Even seemingly apolitical films like Jaws make a statement about ignoring public safety to make money, and every traditional haunted house tale is, deep in its bones, a story about hereditary property ownership. What are some of the most interesting examples of the use of horror to talk about money and social class?
Catherynne M. Valente, Shoshana “Sho” Glick, Brooks Peck, Suyi Davies Okungbowa, Aigner Loren Wilson

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Evergreen 3 & 4
3–4 p.m.
When a loved one needs some extra support, what do you do? What examples do our favorite media give us on how to balance caring for others and yourself?
Bryana Bean (M), Payne Haynes, Sarah Grey, Richard Stephens

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A Game Design Jam Part 2: Creating the Map

Cascade 13
3–5 p.m.
Let’s build a map! Every fearsome foe and tantalizing treasure must exist within a scene and, in an adventure, that scene begins with your map. In this panel, you’ll learn to create interactive maps for your adventures while collaborating with game industry professionals to create a map worthy of your favorite classic module! (Beginners, professionals, and players of all editions and systems are welcome!)
Jenny Jarzabski (M), Mike Kimmel, Jessica Redekop, Logan Bonner, Rigby Bendele

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Reading: Kat Richardson

Cascade 3
3:30–4 p.m.
Storm Waters. 1930s fantasy crime noir set in the golden age of Hollywood. Rated PG.
Kat Richardson (M)

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CSz Seattle: B-Rated!

Grand 3
3:30–5 p.m.
B-Rated! is two shows in one: an improvised original movie acted out on stage that incorporates your suggestions, and an improvised live commentary track full of jokes and wisecracks. We make fun of the movie while we’re making it up! If you love the kind of unforgettable popcorn movies you watch and riff on with your friends, family, or robot pals, B-Rated! is the show for you.
Megan Chang, Drew Simchik, Daniel Kinamon, David Gordon, Alex Jerabek, Phoebe, Rachel Meyer

4 p.m. PDT (7 p.m. EDT / 11 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Randy Henderson

Cascade 3
4–4:30 p.m.
A Most Undwarfy Dwarf. A mystery-adjacent, romance-like, allegedly funny medium-rare stakes high fantasy! Marigold Hammerstuff returns home to be a counselor and reconnect with his minotaur friend (on whom he definitely doesn’t have a crush!). One small problem: nobody knows what a counselor is. One larger problem: there’s a mysterious killer on the loose who seems to particularly hate dwarves. (This is a work in progress. We’ll laugh, chat, and eat cookies!) Rated PG
Randy Henderson (M)

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What is the Future Made Of?

Cascade 10
4–5 p.m.
Transparent wood. Hempcrete. Graphene composites. Room temperature superconductors. (LK99?) Bose-Einstein condensates. Pseudo-crystals. What are these technologies and what will they mean for our futures? Come with us while we explore the materials that are changing or may yet change our world.
Crystal Lloyd (M), Ava Thorne, Andy Quinn, Howard Davidson, G. David Nordley

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Young Adult: The History

Cascade 11
4–5 p.m.
The genre of young adult (YA) hasn’t been here long in the grand scheme of things. How was it formed? Why was it formed? What defined the rules of the genre? Panelists discuss what makes YA what it is today. This is part of a series of panels that introduce and define YA.
Leslie Lutz (M), Marta Murvosh, L.J. Melvin, Miranda Levi, Karen Eisenbrey

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Youth – Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Cascade 12
4–5 p.m.
When the zombies rise up, will you know how to survive in the resulting urban wasteland? Learn basic survival skills and some monster-dodging, too.
Jenny Shafer (M), Natalie Leif, Matt Youngmark

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Lyrics are Just Poetry with a Backup Band

Cascade 5 & 6
4–5 p.m.
How does a poem become a song? Come join our panelists as they explore the ways that words and music can come together for a (hopefully) harmonious whole.
Amanda Cherry (M), GregRobin Smith, Cathy McManamon, Leslie Jordan, Dr. Mark Rounds

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Masquerade 101

Cascade 7 & 8
4–5 p.m.
Tips and guidance from experienced competitors about making your participation in a masquerade or cosplay contest a positive and fun experience.
Melissa Quinn (M), Zamesta Cosplay, Torrey Stenmark, Taylor Tomblin

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The Enduring Epic Journey

Cascade 9
4–5 p.m.
Let’s identify and discuss the timeless qualities of the epic, distilling them down to how and why they impact the reader’s experience, and techniques for replicating them in your own writing.
Catherine Cooke Montrose (M), Richard Sparks, Thomas Theron, Suyi Davies Okungbowa, J.T. Greathouse

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How Alien Should Aliens Be in Fiction?

Evergreen 1 & 2
4–5 p.m.
Aliens in SF&F run the gamut from basically human on other planets to creatures who breathe fluorine to beings of light who live in stars. How do these different types of aliens advance the story and make the points the author wishes to make? And how do you create the really alien aliens? How much actual science can/should be involved?
Dana Kippel (M), Aaron Ryan, Shiv Ramdas, Elliott Kay, Daryl Gregory

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Sketchbook/Portfolio Critique

Evergreen 3 & 4
4–5 p.m.
Showing art that you hold close to your heart to other artists can be terrifying. We have been there as well. A critique helps you grow and improve. Bring your sketchbook, portfolio or even one particular piece you’ve been struggling with and let us help you grow!
Lizzy D. Hill (M), Jeff Sturgeon, Rob Carlos, Brittany Torres, Douglas Herring

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Color It, Bead It, Hang It on a Wall! Part 1: Introduction to Fabric Painting with Derwent Inktense Pencils

Maxi’s Ballroom
4–5:30 p.m.
Inktense pencils are a magical medium that uses water or a water-based medium rather than heat to set. Learn how these pencils work by exploring different techniques and fabrics. An embroidered design will be provided for you to color, or create your own design. Kit includes three Inktense pencils, paint brushes, aloe vera gel, water, brushes and various fabric squares. Limit 24 people. Cost $15.00.
Theresa Halbert (M)

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Learn to Play Magic: The Gathering

Maxi’s Lounge
4–7 p.m.
Prior to opening MTG, join the Shire for an introductory session on Magic: The Gathering. Whether you’ve never heard of MTG or want to meet new friends to play with, this beginner’s class will teach you how to play one of the most popular, complex card games around. Cards and play mats will be provided, so come ready to learn and have fun!

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Reading: D. L. Solum

Cascade 3
4:30–5 p.m.
Persephone Enlightened: A Tale of Darker Seattle Volume 1 of 4. This is a tale of witches, werewolves, vampires, fae, and the mortals who love them. Rated PG-13.
D.L. Solum (M)

5 p.m. PDT (8 p.m. EDT / 12 a.m. April 19 GMT)

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Reading: Camden Rose

Cascade 3
5–5:30 p.m.
A selection of horror, sci-fi, or fantasy short stories. Rated PG.
Camden Rose (M)

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Working with an Editor

Cascade 10
5–6 p.m.
A good-faith relationship enhances the editorial process and its finished product, but how do we build that trust? Whether you’re working with an editor to develop content or tighten up prose, negotiating with the person pointing out your writing’s flaws can be a challenge. We’ll discuss the pleasures and pitfalls of the editor-author relationship and offer tips to maximize success.
Celeste Wakefield (M), J.T. Greathouse, Talulah J. Sullivan, Patrick Swenson, Gwendolyn N. Nix

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Best Franchises That Should be a TTRPG

Cascade 11
5–6 p.m.
It seems like many of the tabletop role playing games (TTRPGs) are based on someone else’s intellectual property franchise, whether movies, TV series, novels, or even video games. Our panelists discuss some franchises that successfully made the jump to TTRPGs, and other ones they’d really like to see do the same.
Carlos Cabrera (M), Banana Chan, Jason Tondro, Jason Nelson

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Youth: Painting the Galaxy

Cascade 12
5–6 p.m.
Paint your own galaxy to take home. Small children will need assistance (and clothes that can get paint on them).
Jenny Shafer (M), Leslie Lutz

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Write a Disney Fanfiction

Cascade 13
5–6 p.m.
What happens after the credits roll in your favorite Disney movie? Is it different than the traditional happily ever after?” Does Cinderella prefer to hang out in the palace kitchen rather than the great hall? Does Belle track down the sorceress to turn her Beast back into a beast? Does Sleeping Beauty go back to bed for another hundred years? The possibilities are endless, and fun! (Youth/Workshop)
Scotty McIntosh (M), Cheryl Dyson, Brianna Tibbetts

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A Strong Bridge: Storytelling 202

Cascade 5 & 6
5–6 p.m.
Building upon strong starts, our panelists will focus on the middle of a story, dissecting the ways one can strengthen and effectively build through the core of the narrative.
G.R. Theron (M), Catherine Cooke Montrose, Curtis C. Chen, Dean Wells, Kate Ristau

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Professional Nerds and Geeks

Cascade 7 & 8
5–6 p.m.
There is much to be said about having a job that not only provides money, but lets you embrace your inner love for science and technology, and the geeky way of life. Our panelists have been there, done that, and have the funny T-shirts to prove it. Ask them about what they think they did right, and what they see as professions in which the Fen can flourish. Teen- and tween- friendly.
Lee Harris (M), Brooks Peck, Joseph Brassey, Tom Whitmore, Kaylea Champion

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Deep Talk about Small Talk

Cascade 7 & 8
5–6 p.m.
Why is everyone talking about the weather? Come learn how talking about simple things can lead to deeper relationships.
Sarah Grey (M), Elise Stephens, Liz Coleman, Kris “Pepper” Hambrick, Amy Sundberg

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Secret Messages, Codes and Cyphers

Evergreen 1 & 2
5–6 p.m.
As soon as three people developed writing, two of them wanted to keep the third from reading messages. What are simple ways of keeping written data from being read by the casual unwanted? Some simple methods will be demonstrated.
Russell Ervin (M), Bill Gruner, Michael Ormes, GregRobin Smith, Cathy McManamon

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Build Better

Evergreen 3 & 4
5–6 p.m.
The Island of Dr. Moreau, Man Plus, Xanth, Dungeons & Dragons–all used “science” or “magic” to improve the species. Without the umbrella of ethics, what are the limits? Should your story have any? What does the story say about the author?
Jake McKinzie (M), Felicity Harley, V. Franklin, Charlotte Lewis Brown, Jim Kling

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Reading: K.G. Anderson

Cascade 3
5:30–6 p.m.
The Journey of a Thousand Gifts. What do you find in the afterlife? Old friends, new enemies, and a strange economy of gift-giving. Rated G.
K.G. Anderson (M)

6 p.m. PDT (9 p.m. EDT / 1 a.m. April 19 GMT)

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Our Favorite Recent Horror

Cascade 10
6–7 p.m.
Our panel discusses recent books, comics, movies, television, and other horror media, recommending some of their favorites.
Elizabeth Guizzetti (M), Sam Stark, Timothy W. Long, Dustin Campbell, Laura Cranehill

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Will Rockets Become Obsolete, and What Will Replace Them?

Cascade 11
6–7 p.m.
Rockets are currently the only way to get cargo and people into space. There are ideas out there for replacing rockets with other systems. If these ideas work, will rockets become obsolete?
Phil L. Swan (M), Dr. Sean Robinson, G. David Nordley, Jane Campbell

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Who Got It Right?

Cascade 5 & 6
6–7 p.m.
A lot of SF is, of course, about looking forward to what our future will be. What authors got it right? What hopes for change actually occurred? How much of dystopian futurism are we now living in?
Stefan Rudnicki (M), Felicity Harley, Daniel H. Wilson, Aaron Ryan, Nick Fraser

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Coming of Age (YA)

Cascade 7 & 8
6–7 p.m.
The possibilities of youth, defining oneself, and capturing the adventure of youth is a central theme in fantasy. We will discuss the strengths of this theme in both classic and contemporary stories, and which stories highlight this experience. We welcome teens and tweens to come and give their impressions whether these books actually capture the teen experience and maybe suggest those that did.
Camden Rose (M), Elise Stephens, Marta Murvosh, J.T. Greathouse, Wren Handman

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Ranking Animation Across Generations

Cascade 9
6–7 p.m.
Some of the most beloved genre works for all ages have come out of the world of animation. Recently we’ve seen DC’s Young Justice, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, as well as originals like Avatar: The Last Airbender. A recent animated Lord of the Rings movie and an X-Men cartoon were some of last year’s hit shows and, in both cases, the target audience was definitely not kids. Come debate whether Kevin Conroy is history’s greatest Batman, or help make the case that Arcane is the best show on Netflix.
Rogue Bonaventura (M), Eric L Vargas, Brooks Peck, Matt Youngmark, John Lovett

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What is Your Why

Evergreen 1 & 2
6–7 p.m.
The reason authors write the stories they write provides a valuable insight not only into themselves, but also into the underlying strength of the narrative. The panelists will discuss their “why,” how it’s informed their work, and how you can tap into this for your own development.
Joseph Malik (M), Maquel A. Jacob, Tom D Wright, Rhiannon/R.Z. Held, K.G. Anderson, Jessie Kwak

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Miffed Maxine and the Solar Dome

Evergreen 3 & 4
6–7 p.m.
Which makes more sense in a post-apocalypse world: befeathered Goths in makeshift yet oddly-powerful gas guzzlers, crossing the landscape in search of fuel; or settlements with electric vehicles, guarding their solar panels and windmills? Join our panelists as they debate which is more likely, and which is more likely to make a good story.
Crystal Lloyd (M), Jay Donnaway, Ava Thorne, Andy Quinn, Shiv Ramdas

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Costuming Techniques Speed Dating

Maxi’s Ballroom
6–7 p.m.
It’s time for another round of speedy how-to presentations.
Melissa Quinn (M), Ieva Ohaks

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Let’s Make a Zine!

Cascade 13
6–8 p.m.
An introduction to zine making for young people, including the opportunity to write a short poem or story to build their zine around. Ages 10 to whatever!
Thursday (M), Larry Lewis, Liz Argall

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Magic the Gathering Draft

Mt. Baker
6–10 p.m.
Dragonflight is thrilled to host a special Magic: The Gathering (MTG) draft event at Norwescon. We’ll be featuring Mystery Booster 2, a limited-edition pack of Magic: The Gathering that includes retro cards, MTG Arena cards, and unique test cards. This exclusive draft is limited to 16 participants, with tickets available for $50 each. Please note that a Norwescon badge is required to attend. Sign-ups for this exciting event will be available alongside the general gaming sign-ups. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!

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Magic the Gathering Draft

Mt. Rainier
6–10 p.m.
Dragonflight is thrilled to host a special Magic: The Gathering draft event at Norwescon! We’ll be featuring Mystery Booster 2, a limited edition pack of Magic: The Gathering that includes retro cards, MTG Arena cards, and unique test cards. This exclusive draft is limited to 16 participants, with tickets available for $50 each. Please note that a Norwescon badge is required to attend. Sign-ups for this exciting event will be available alongside the general gaming sign-ups. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!

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Reading: Gwendolyn N. Nix

Cascade 3
6:30–7 p.m.
Bone Knuckles and The Rose Scavenger. What will you trade for the truth? Dahlia is the daughter of the Ten Hearts Killer, her past marked by hearts being ripped out of chests and carefully placed in chemostat jars. When she’s given an enigmatic gift and meets Paige, a woman on a quest to discover the identity of the serial killer’s last victim, Dahlia is thrust into a world far more violent than she could ever imagine. As Dahlia and Paige embark on a journey to solve the mystery, Dahlia soon discovers a sinister truth about her childhood home, and at the heart of it lies the enigmatic and slick-tongued Bone Knuckles, ready to make a deal for her pesky soul. Rated PG
Gwendolyn N. Nix (M)

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Philip K. Dick Doors Open

Grand 3
6:30–7 p.m.
Doors open for the Philip K. Dick Awards Ceremony. Arrive early to secure your spot for this prestigious event. Join fellow enthusiasts for an evening of literary excellence, readings, and, of course, the much-anticipated announcement of this year’s award winner. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this special night!
Michael Hanscom (M)

7 p.m. PDT (10 p.m. EDT / 2 a.m. April 19 GMT)

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Reading: B. Zelkovich

Cascade 12
7–7:30 p.m.
“Raising an Elder God Isn’t Hard” and others. You can get help with just about anything at this public library. Rated R.
B. Zelkovich (M)

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Reading: Caitlin Starling

Cascade 3
7–7:30 p.m.
The Starving Saints: A Novel. The author reads a selection from her upcoming fantasy horror novel, The Starving Saints, coming May 20, 2025. The book includes cannibalism, mind control, and other dark themes. Rated PG.
Caitlin Starling (M)

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Presented by BritCon: Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Any Time Any Place

Cascade 10
7–8 p.m.
Sherlock Holmes: Why the concept and characters work in any time and any place.
Dawn Shaw (M), Kris “Pepper” Hambrick, Maquel A. Jacob, Berlynn Wohl, Kat Richardson

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The Only Rock Humans Eat

Cascade 11
7–8 p.m.
Humans eat plants and animals, and drink water. But there is only one rock that they eat. Great energy had gone into the production and transport of this vital rock through the centuries. Vast underground areas have been hollowed out. The rock was even used to pay soldiers. What is this vital mineral?
Pat Reed (M), Colette Breshears, Laura Anne Gilman, Bill Gruner, Marlow Weaver

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So You Wannabe a Hacker?

Cascade 5 & 6
7–8 p.m.
No, not you, of course, because that would be wrong. But your character, yeah, that’s the ticket; you want your character to be a hacker, fighting the good fight. Join our panel of cybersecurity experts as they discuss as much security as they want you to know, what is hype about hacking, what is real, and what the future might bring.
Dr. Sean Robinson (M), Andrew Williams, Wm Salt Hale, V Whitlock, Kaylea Champion

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Pre-Masquerade Meeting

Cascade 7 & 8
7–8 p.m.
If you plan to enter the masquerade, you must come to one of the pre-masquerade meetings to get all the information you need to compete and turn over your music. If you have not already registered online, we will have a computer available for you to do so. If you are just curious and have questions, we will have answers.

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Worldbuilding: Military

Cascade 9
7–8 p.m.
Types of militaries can be the focus of a story or influence the story, either on purpose or in the background.
John Lovett (M), Peter Fuller, Elliott Kay, Dr. Mark Rounds, Teresa Drag

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Asteroid Mining and Space Factory Feasibility

Evergreen 3 & 4
7–8 p.m.
Private companies are planning for asteroid mining. Is this a feasible idea? And if so, is it better to have the processing plant in space or on a planetary surface?
Dan Dubrick (M), Judy R. Johnson, G. David Nordley, Jay Donnaway

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Costuming WITH Mobility Assistance Devices

Maxi’s Ballroom
7–8 p.m.
Having to use a mobility assistance device (e.g., wheelchair, walker, cane, or scooter) does not diminish your ability to make bold costume choices. This workshop/panel offers practical suggestions for tricking out your ride and the remaining panel time will be devoted to making something to go on/with your cane, scooter, etc. This panel is open to anyone and all abilities.
Richard Stephens (M), Zamesta Cosplay, Payne Haynes, Ylluria WaterSong

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Philip K. Dick Award Ceremony

Grand 3
7–8:30 p.m.
Presented annually at Norwescon with the support of the Philip K. Dick Trust, this award recognizes distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States. The award is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and the Philip K. Dick Trust, and the award ceremony is sponsored by Norwescon.
Michael Hanscom (M), Bora Chung, Gordon Van Gelder, Subodhana Wijeyeratne, Tara Campbell

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Reading: Agathon McGeachy

Cascade 12
7–8 p.m.
The Mantle of Hypatia-Isis. When Roman commandos infiltrate rural Egypt, a weary Ptolemy guardian must use more than mere magic to prevail. Rated PG.
Agathon McGeachy (M)

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Reading: Thomas Theron

Cascade 3
7:30–8 p.m.
Echoes of Autumn – Chapter One. Novel Excerpt. Rated PG.
Thomas Theron (M)

8 p.m. PDT (11 p.m. EDT / 3 a.m. April 19 GMT)

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Reading: GregRobin Smith

Cascade 12
8–8:30 p.m.
New Sonnets. To understand how Shakespeare wrote and thought, GregRobin has written over 3,000 sonnets. He will read from some of his recent works and discuss the process of getting into another person’s head and being able to continue their canon. Rated G.
GregRobin Smith (M)

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Reading: Patrick Swenson

Cascade 3
8–8:30 p.m.
Come join Patrick Swenson for a reading. Rated PG.
Patrick Swenson (M)

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A Million Ways to Die in F&SF

Cascade 10
8–9 p.m.
What does it mean to die in fantasy and science fiction? Sure, someone could shoot you in the head or disintegrate you. But there are so many other ways that might or might not be considered dying. There is the death of personality. If your mind is completely wiped and rewritten, did you die? If I rewrite the timestream and change everything about you, did the old you die? What are the ethics of death in these cases? If you are transmogrified into a dangerous monster and I kill you, is it still murder?
Stephen Merrill (M), Jake Yorgason, Shiv Ramdas, Daryl Gregory, Carl Engle-Laird

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Writing for Hire

Cascade 11
8–9 p.m.
Want to earn money writing stories for a franchise like Marvel? Write adventures for your favorite role-playing game? Sell fiction within education publishing? Typically, gigs where writers create in another’s world or for a specific company fall under a work for hire contract. Authors don’t own their creation within such agreements, but many writers and editors rely on them for revenue, including most screenwriters. We’ll discuss strategies to approach writing for hire in a way that suits your goals.
Gwendolyn N. Nix (M), Catherynne M. Valente, Wren Handman , John Lovett, Meagan Maricle

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Anime Cat Draw

Cascade 13
8–9 p.m.
There is a rumor that anime characters faces are designed to be cute…like a cat’s. Let’s test this! Bring a picture of your cat or use one we’ll have on hand and let’s turn these kitties into anime characters!
Lizzy D. Hill (M), Melissa Quinn

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Intro to Song Writing

Cascade 5 & 6
8–9 p.m.
From parodies to original music, how do you get started? It’s easier than you think.
Gareth Davis (M), Dr. Mark Rounds, Cathy McManamon, Leslie Jordan, Karen Eisenbrey

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How to Conduct a Séance

Cascade 7 & 8
8–9 p.m.
While they were still teenagers, in the mid-19th century, the Fox Sisters of New York helped create the Spiritualism movement and developed most of the features of the séance still known today. Table rapping, ghostly appearances, ectoplasm from surprising places, mysterious groping hands, and spirit possession–they did it all. Our panel discusses their techniques, which had a lot in common with the stage magic also becoming popular at the time, and how we can still replicate many of those effects today.
Julie McGalliard (M), Payne Haynes, Frances Lu Pai Ippolito

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So, I’ve Got this Player …

Evergreen 3 & 4
8–9 p.m.
Everyone comes to a con wanting to complain about “that player” in their game that is a problem, but for some reason can’t figure out what to do about it. Our panelists will have a round table discussion and commiserate with the audience about different types of “bad actors” at the game table, possible solutions, and to just generally reinforce the mantra that you just shouldn’t play with people who don’t want to collaborate or don’t care if the whole group has fun.
Jessica Redekop (M), Ben Thompson, Ron Lundeen, Celeste Conowitch, Banana Chan

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Northwest Speculative: Norwescon Reading

Cascade 9
8–10 p.m.
Northwest Speculative returns again for this exciting reading event featuring a wide-ranging group of authors reading excerpts from their newest work.
G.R. Theron (M), Kate Ristau, Camden Rose, Brenda Carre, Ellis Bray, Dean Wells, David D. Levine, Remy Nakamura, Elizabeth Guizzetti, Caitlin Starling, Richard Flores IV

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Speculative Film Festival Block C

Evergreen 1 & 2
8–10 p.m.
Join us for a block of foreign science fiction, fantasy, and horror short films.
Shawn Marier (M)

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Stitch & Bitch and Costume 911- Friday

Maxi’s Ballroom
8 p.m.–Midnight
If you’re still working on something to wear in the halls, to present in the masquerade, or just a project, this is your place. Bring your items to work on, enjoy good company, and have the opportunity to get help (if needed).
Richard Stephens (M), Brianna Malotke

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Maxi’s Lounge
8 p.m.–Midnight
Get ready to unleash your inner rock star, diva, or disco queen in Maxi’s! Join us for an unforgettable evening of karaoke, where the only rule is to have fun. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or a shy shower singer, our stage is your playground.

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Reading: Gary Bennett

Cascade 12
8:30–9 p.m.
Feint of Heart. A science fiction thriller (work in progress) about a protagonist with a unique power as the result of genetic modifications as a child, when he was abducted by an organization. In hiding ever since, he now finds himself on the run and discovers help from an unexpected source. Rated PG.
Gary Bennett (M)

9 p.m. PDT (12 a.m. April 19 EDT / 4 a.m. April 19 GMT)

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Problematic Fan Favorites

Cascade 11
9–10 p.m.
Over time, some beloved authors have said things, done things, or taken positions that make most fans uncomfortable and raise the endless debate: Can we separate the art from the artist? J.K. Rowling, Neil Gaiman, and Orson Scott Card are a few of the writers who beg this question. Buckle up, it’s going to be an uncomfortable ride.
Robert King (M), Shoshana “Sho” Glick, Michelle Morrell, Gina Saucier, Brooks Peck

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Friends of Bill W.

Cascade 3
9–10 p.m.

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Elements of Slash

Cascade 5 & 6
9–10 p.m.
Writing adult material is a skill, much the same as writing any other genre, and adult-oriented slash fanfiction is no exception. This panel examines what makes slash good–and fun–for writers and readers. (18+ only)
Berlynn Wohl (M), Ava Thorne, Sam Stark, Elliott Kay, Virginia Black, Scotty McIntosh

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Open Filk Circle: Friday Night

Evergreen 3 & 4
9 p.m.–1 a.m.
Pick, pass, or play! Filk’s origins were in folk circles at conventions which mutated because of a typo and the sort of people who must enshrine a joke. The rules were simple: In a filk, everything was filk, whether it was a filk song, a popular song, or interpretive dance. Everyone was allowed to perform (or not) and shown respect. Other than that, simple civility ruled the day. Join us while we tell you (and possibly show you) how filk was done (Bardic circle? Poker-Chip Chaos?) and its traditions and in-jokes (What are the Dorsai Irregulars? What’s up with green Jell-O?).
Leslie Jordan (M), Gareth Davis, Cathy McManamon

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The Blacklight Ball

Grand 2 & 3
9:30 p.m.–1:30 a.m.
It’s a space rave. Get dressed up in your finest white and neon colors, grab a glowstick, and make with the dance moves. mc300baud is bringing the untz! Send in your song requests now!

10 p.m. PDT (1 a.m. April 19 EDT / 5 a.m. April 19 GMT)

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Speculative Film Festival Block D

Evergreen 1 & 2
10 p.m.–Midnight
End your Friday evening with a selection of horror short films. Some are funny, others are scary, but all of them are worth watching.

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Lakeside Open Gaming 1st Floor

Rotunda 1
10 p.m.–2 a.m.

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Lakeside Open Gaming 2nd Floor

Rotunda 2
10 p.m.–2 a.m.

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