Haute Horror Fashion Show and Tell

This year, the fashion show at Norwescon 39 will be a showcase of horror haute couture. The call is going out to all dark denizen designers of the night, to leave their crypts and castles and come stalk our runway. Show us your dark passion for fashion, and the pleasure of leather!

You’re Invited to a Party!

The Norwescon Stuffing Party will be held Sunday, March 20 at the SeaTac DoubleTree Hotel at 1 p.m. (If you are bringing materials to put into the bags, please show up at noon). The room will be on the daily meeting boards at the hotel entrances. Stuffing should be over by 4:00 PM at the latest.

Please join us for fun and games as we take pieces of paper, paperback books, buttons and coupons and marry them together to form the packets that everybody receives at Registration. The more people we have, the faster it will go. Be the first in your neighborhood to see what sort of goodies everyone will receive. Cop a button or two advertising the next big movie. We might even have the latest programming grids on the wall for your perusal.

Working at the stuffing party counts towards hours worked at the con. Norwescon volunteers receive perks like early seating at the Masquerade and are entered into drawings for many items donated by Norwescon dealers. The drawings take place early Sunday afternoon of the con.

Please note: People attending the Stuffing Party will have to pay for their own parking. Parking should be $8.

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Wanted: Your memories!

While most of our attention is focused on this year’s Norwescon 39, we are also starting to look forward to next year’s Norwescon 40 — and we’d like your help with one of our ideas, especially if you’ve been attending Norwescon for a long time.

Norwescon 38 PostCon Report

Norwescon had a good year this year. Thanks to the popularity of our GoHs, we drew in a large number of new members, while still keeping costs under control. We ended with a surplus, which goes into our reserves to be used for years when we run at a loss.

September ConCom Meeting

NWC39 September ConCom

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? September’s Norwescon 39 planning meeting will be held Saturday, September 19th, 2015.

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