Suite Requests are Open

We are now accepting suite reservation requests! If you’d like to host a party at Norwescon, please review this year’s guidelines as posted on our Hotels page, including updated guidance for Covid safety protocols, before submitting your request.

Single Pattern Contest Patterns Chosen

Whether you’ve had a hard day of work or a delightful evening out, nothing beats coming home, shedding your coat and shoes, and hanging up your hat. Our Single Pattern Contest judges are prepared to be dazzled and amazed by your versions of this year’s patterns, Simplicity 8361 & Simplicity 8713.

Submit Games for Norwescon 44

The games team is looking for people to run games for Norwescon 44. We have lots of space to work with, and can accommodate games of all kinds—board games, card games, role-playing games, miniatures, and story/narrative games!

October ConCom Meeting

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? October’s Norwescon 44 planning meeting will be held Saturday, October 16th, 2021.

Norwescon Speculative Film Fest

Norwescon will host the Norwescon Speculative Film Fest on April 15–16, 2022. The festival showcases short films and micro short films (under three minutes) that intersect with the speculative fiction genre, including science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

News from Norwescon September 2021

Announcing Waypoint Norwescon: A Virtual Mini-Con November 6–7; Norwescon 44 COVID Policy; Norwescon Book Club; First Meeting for Norwescon 44 – This Saturday!; Help Wanted!; Norwescon Writers Workshop – Submission Deadline January 1, 2022

September ConCom Meeting

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? September’s Norwescon 44 planning meeting will be held Saturday, September 18th, 2021.

News from Norwescon June 2021

We hope to see you in person next spring! But until then….it’s time to start planning real-world events again! Our Volunteer Picnic, camping trip, and book club meetups are all coming up. Stop by and say hi!

Masquerade Winners

This year’s virtual Masquerade only included five entries, but those entries deeply impressed our judges and were all acknowledged for their merits this year.

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