Youth Writers Workshop

EMP Museum is excited to partner with The Fairwood Writers group and Norwescon to kick off the call for submissions for EMPs 2017 Write Out Of This World: Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Story Contest by offering a Youth Writers Workshop.

Norwescon 38 PostCon Report

Norwescon had a good year this year. Thanks to the popularity of our GoHs, we drew in a large number of new members, while still keeping costs under control. We ended with a surplus, which goes into our reserves to be used for years when we run at a loss.

Thanking our Donors

Norwescon would like to thank the following people and businesses for supporting us and our featured charity, Northwest Harvest.

Outreach News

Norwescon is proud to be in partnership with the EMP Museum, and we would like to announce some of their upcoming events.

Norwescon and Northwest Harvest

Hello from Norwescon Charities! Once again, we have chosen Northwest Harvest as one of the charities we are supporting at NWC 37. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about the important work that they do.

Guest of Honor Banquet

This year, Norwescon is thrilled to once again hold the Thursday Guest of Honor banquet. It will take place on Thursday, March 28 from 5:00–7:00 PM. What a great way to start off your Norwescon weekend!

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