Norwescon » Masquerade The Pacific Northwest's Premier Science-Fiction and Fantasy Convention Sun, 11 May 2014 16:12:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Full Schedule, nwcMUSIC, and Masquerade Registration! Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:00:10 +0000 As we get ever closer to Norwescon 37 — just one month to go, as of today! — we’ve posted another round of updates to our website over the past week. Here’s the rundown:

  • First off, our full Schedule of Events is posted! Every panel and event scheduled for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the convention is now ready for your eager little eyes. Get your pens and highlighters ready, download the grids, print off the webpages, and plan your convention weekend! We will also be using the Guidebook mobile app again this year and expect to have it available for you soon!

  • Along with the full schedule, we now also have our nwcMUSIC lineup, including workshops and the full concert lineup, complete with previews from the artists. There are also more nwcMUSIC panels in the daily schedule listings, so there will be plenty of ways to get your music geeking on!

  • And finally, registration for the Norwescon Masquerade is now open! This year we are handling Masquerade registration entirely online through this website, and costumers may sign up until 11:30am on Saturday of the convention (April 19).

That covers this update. One month and counting!

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NWC36 Masquerade Video Tue, 25 Feb 2014 22:39:33 +0000 Video of the Norwescon 36 Masquerade is available for purchase. Please contact Alan Halfhill directly with inquiries.

DVD – $15; Blu-Ray – $20

Postal address:
Alan Halfhill
P.O. Box 312
Carlsborg, WA 98324-0312

Paypal address: halfmac at

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Norwescon 35 Awards Tue, 17 Apr 2012 15:43:59 +0000 Each year, Norwescon presents a number of awards to its attendees, costumers, and exhibiting artists. Here are this year’s winners — congratulations to all of you!


Rising Star Best in Class Amberre Cloverune Anastasia Demiers
Novice Best Workmanship Clash of the Titans MJ Parker, Darrel Parker & Tracey Plunkett
Best Presentaton Anubis Guard Walter Zimmerman
Best in Class Clash of the Titans MJ Parker, Darrel Parker & Tracey Plunkett
Journeyman Best Workmanship Will O’ the Wisp Melissa Nichols
Best Presentation What the Lonely Goat Herd Diana Daniels
Best in Class Will O’ the Wisp Melissa Nichols
Master Best Workmanship Senator Padme Amidala Torrey Stenmark
Best Presentation Welcome to the Future Julie Zetterberg, Lisa Satterlund and Gregory Sardo
Best in Class Senator Padme Amidala Torrey Stenmark
Best Use of Theme Welcome to the Future Julie Zetterberg, Lisa Satterlund and Gregory Sardo
Judge’s Choice: Humor The Answer to the Age-Old Question Alicia Faires
Trixie Award for the Big, Loud, Glittery, and Obnoxious Under the Waves Orchid Cavett and Zachary Brant

Norwescon 35′s Masquerade had many amazing entries. Kudos go out to everyone who participated–we look forward to seeing your work in the future. Many thanks also to the staff and volunteers behind the scenes who worked hard to put on a great show. Thanks!

Art Show

Norwescon’s Art Show was a hotbed of activity with a small bidding war happening right before close. The sold stamps almost dried out. Our Judges worked hard to decide who should be honored this year. The art quality was some of the best that we have had. But, after much hair pulling, wrestling in the aisles and clipboard swings the honorees are:

Judges Choice:

Guest of Honor Choice: Julie Baroh “Peri”
Best in Show: Kyle Abernethy “1 Timothy 2:8-15″
First Place: Julie Baroh “Peri”
Second Place: Michael Duquette “for Time Skipper”
Third Place: Rob Carlos “Armageddon Dragon”
Best Color: Jeff Sturgeon “Martian Archway”
Best Black & White: Katherine Leeds “Winters Gift”
Best Mix: Aimee Stewart “Sister Moon”
Best 3-D: MacLeod Dragons “Fishing”
Best Jewelry: GemPunk Jewelry “Time Bandit”
Best Textile: Elizabeth Fellows “Emerald Dream”

People’s Choice Awards

Many thanks to Norwescon’s Art Show members who voted for their favorite artists in many different categories. The judges were forced to make tie breaking decisions in two categories, Fantasy and Horror.

Best in Show: Michael Duquette “for Time Skipper”
Best Sci-Fi: Michael Duquette “for Time Skipper”
Best Fantasy: Heather Hudson “Remembering Spring”
2nd Place Aimee Stewart “Gypsy Firefly”
Best Humor: Sarah Clemens “Boneheads”
Best Horror: Amber Clark “A Moment of Hope”
2nd Place Matthew Hinshaw “Traction” and “Base of Change”
Best Mixed Media/3-D: Michael Duquette “for Time Skipper”
Best Jewelry: Tiger Waddell “Captured Time Necklace”
2nd Place Gempunk Jewelry “Aves”

We would also like to congratulate Leanne Dunn for receiving this year’s NWC Raising Artist Scholarship for “Vulture Girl”. The scholarship will be applied to her education at the Northwest College of Art.

A big thanks to our judges Don Lackey, Caroline Westra, and Mac Oros for their hard work and interesting wrestling moves.

Single Pattern Contest

This year’s Single Pattern Contest used the Butterick B5646 pattern.

Overcoming Adversity Award Janice Mears “Done, Basically”
Most Ambitious Fabric Award Kathleen C. Sims “Wishing for Summer”
Best Concept and Fan Favorite Marthy Eby “Granny Smith Bustle”
Best in Show Anita Taylor “Retro-Edwardian Suit”


Finally, four volunteers (one per day, plus a fourth for overall productivity and great attitude) won memberships to Norwescon 36. Congratulations to Michael McSweeney, Ray Seredin, Shaylee Bell, and Conde Holt!

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