Norwescon » Special Events The Pacific Northwest's Premier Science-Fiction and Fantasy Convention Sun, 11 May 2014 16:12:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Great Norwescon Nerf Battle Thu, 10 Apr 2014 17:00:21 +0000 Norwescon is proud to announce a new alternate Lazer Tag event! This year, for the first time, we will be providing Nerf weaponry for use during the Saturday morning melee! Come join us in Grand 2 from 10 am until 12 pm for the fun!

  • All participants under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian present, or have that person provide officials with an onsite emergency contact number and sign the waiver.

  • All participants are required to wear either provided protective eyewear or provide their own, approved by officials.

  • All participants are required to remain within the arena while armed. Any participant wishing to leave the arena must turn in their equipment. Carrying the battle into the hallways of the hotel will not be permitted.

  • At the end of each round, all participants will be required to assist in cleaning up all spent ammunition from the arena before the next round may begin.

  • Any participant in an active battle who has expended their ammunition must depart the arena to reload, and at that time may be permitted to rejoin the battle.

  • All weapons will be provided by Norwescon. No outside weapons will be allowed.

  • All participants are required to avoid discharging their weapon at another participant from a distance of less than two feet.

  • No physical contact with other participants will be tolerated, and any intentional contact will result in expulsion from the arena, and may result in being banned from future events at Norwescon. Further, if the official feel that this event is not being played in a fun and safe manner, Norwescon has the responsibility to shut this event down.

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Coming up at the Sunday Robotics Fair Fri, 04 Apr 2014 15:50:53 +0000 Xandon Frogget will be bringing a few of his projects along to the NWC Robotics Fair, including an autonomous wheelchair that uses an Xbox Kinect sensor to navigate. More information about his work can be found at Daddio Robotics.

We will also have 12 Brushbot kits on hand for younger kids to make. For others that are interested in getting started with robotics, we will have 5 special Arduino based robot kits available for $35 and we will even show you how to get them going.

Note: If you wish to build one of the 5 robot kits, bringing a laptop is recommended, but not required. We will have a few computers set up for programming robots, but space may be limited.

If you are already a robot guru and want to bring your robot to show off, send us a message at and tell us all about it. Or, simply come down to Grand Ballroom 3 on Sunday, April 20th from 10 a.m. to noon.

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Full Schedule, nwcMUSIC, and Masquerade Registration! Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:00:10 +0000 As we get ever closer to Norwescon 37 — just one month to go, as of today! — we’ve posted another round of updates to our website over the past week. Here’s the rundown:

  • First off, our full Schedule of Events is posted! Every panel and event scheduled for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the convention is now ready for your eager little eyes. Get your pens and highlighters ready, download the grids, print off the webpages, and plan your convention weekend! We will also be using the Guidebook mobile app again this year and expect to have it available for you soon!

  • Along with the full schedule, we now also have our nwcMUSIC lineup, including workshops and the full concert lineup, complete with previews from the artists. There are also more nwcMUSIC panels in the daily schedule listings, so there will be plenty of ways to get your music geeking on!

  • And finally, registration for the Norwescon Masquerade is now open! This year we are handling Masquerade registration entirely online through this website, and costumers may sign up until 11:30am on Saturday of the convention (April 19).

That covers this update. One month and counting!

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NWC36 Masquerade Video Tue, 25 Feb 2014 22:39:33 +0000 Video of the Norwescon 36 Masquerade is available for purchase. Please contact Alan Halfhill directly with inquiries.

DVD – $15; Blu-Ray – $20

Postal address:
Alan Halfhill
P.O. Box 312
Carlsborg, WA 98324-0312

Paypal address: halfmac at

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Lazer Tag at Norwescon 37 Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:43:02 +0000 Lazer Tag is gearing up for another fun convention. I have read and listened to the feedback from last year, and will we be making the following changes:

  1. This year, we will have games specifically geared for younger players.

  2. In group games, experienced players and younger players will be teamed up.

  3. In years past, the lighting in the Lazer Tag Arena has been on full (all lights on) for safety. This year, the lights will be dimmed after the first familiarization game. Other lighting will be used to enhance the game environment. The new lighting will be used as long as the players are playing safely. If the players become unsafe, the full lights will come back on.

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Announcing the Norwescon 37 Executive Team Wed, 12 Jun 2013 23:38:45 +0000 As Vice Chair and Chair, William and I have the honor of picking the Norwescon 37 Executive Team. We are pleased to announce after many interviews, the team has been picked.

Secretary- Kat Marier
Business- Eric Weber
Treasurer- Kathy Bond
Member Services- Jeanine Swanson
Publications- Pearl Young
Conventions Services- Josh Keegan
Personnel- Shawna Batty
Special Events- Rob Stewart
Programming- Loree Parker

Please welcome the new team and give them your support. You can reach any of them at their executive alias from our contact page in about a week. They would be more than happy to talk to you about any positions they have available.

I would like to thank all those that interviewed for an executive position. We had some tough decisions to make and much talent to pick from. I think we picked a great team to work with this year and I look forward to starting the march toward Norwescon 37.

Peggy Stewart
Norwescon 37 Chairman

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Sunday Non-Profit Fair Wed, 30 Jan 2013 16:48:06 +0000 As the theme for the 2013 convention is “Save the World,” this year’s Sunday Event will be a Non-Profit Fair for organizations dedicated to making the world a better place. We would like to invite organizations with a tie to our community to participate.

The event will be held on Sunday, March 31st, 2013 from 10 am–2 pm. If you know of a non-profit that we should be contacting please let us know. We hope to provide a variety of organizations table space to communicate with our membership. Please contact us with ideas.

Please feel free to contact special events at for additional information. Thank you!

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LARPs at Norwescon 36 Wed, 21 Nov 2012 00:23:29 +0000 Norwescon 36 has yet to hear from any LARP groups who are attending. If you and your LARP group are attending Norwescon this year please contact us at or leave a comment here. We can help you organize and schedule hotel space for your game during the convention!

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Norwescon is looking for Game Masters! Fri, 02 Nov 2012 18:36:55 +0000 Are you into tabletop, card, roleplaying, or miniature war games? We’re looking for Game Masters to sign up to run games in our Scheduled Gaming room! Our gaming rooms are some of the first to open and last to close every Norwescon.

Game Masters who sign up to host 12 or more hours of games over the weekend will be granted Pro Game Master status, giving you access to everything our other Norwescon Pros get! Plus, sign up to run games before November 15, 2012, and your name will be printed in all publications where we announce the scheduled games.

For more information and for our online registration form, please head over to our gaming page!

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Panel, panelist, and Game Master applications are open! Thu, 09 Aug 2012 21:31:21 +0000 Happy summer! The annual Norwescon Volunteer Appreciation Picnic went off gangbusters last weekend — you can see photos of the picnic here — and preparations for Norwescon 36 are already well underway!


Both open and scheduled gaming will be returning for Norwescon 36, and we’re looking for Game Masters to run sessions during scheduled gaming! Old or new, card, figurine, RPG, serious, silly, horrific, mysterious…. Just use the GM Registration Form, give us the details, and we’ll start building the schedule.

Gaming is also looking for volunteers to help out in the scheduled gaming room throughout the convention. We open gaming early on day one and run all four days, so we have lots of volunteer opportunities. Just drop us a line to let us know you’re interested!

Panels and Panelists

Our Programming department is also currently accepting applications for panelists and ideas for panels. Please read over our Becoming a Panelist page, then drop us a line through the contact link at the bottom to introduce yourself, tell us about your areas of interest, and apply for the panelist pool!

That’s all for now. Look for an announcement of concom meeting dates within the next couple weeks!

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