Norwescon » Norwescon Publications The Pacific Northwest's Premier Science-Fiction and Fantasy Convention Sun, 11 May 2014 16:12:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Posterspotting Contest! Wed, 09 Apr 2014 21:00:54 +0000 Once again, Norwescon has engaged the services of Keep Posted to hang our promotional posters throughout the Puget Sound region. Posters started going up at the end of February and placement will finish by the end of March. If you see one of our posters out and about, snap a photo with your phone and either submit it with the form on our posters page, or send it in an email to along with the location where you saw the poster. Posterspotters will receive a special ribbon for their Norwescon 37 badge (ribbons will be available in the office by real name or badge name; bring ID/badge for pick up). NEW this year: a special prize for anyone who submits photos and locations for all 23 King County Library locations (out of the total 41 KCL branches)!

There are about 350 posters to find…happy hunting!

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NWC37 Poster Sat, 08 Feb 2014 00:18:47 +0000 Norwescon PosterThis year’s poster for Norwescon 37 is now available in downloadable .pdf format, sized for 8.5×11 paper and ready to print out and post wherever you want. Well, in legal spaces, of course. ;)

Download the flyer here! (2.6MB .pdf)

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NWC36 Post-Con Report Fri, 07 Feb 2014 23:23:12 +0000 The Norwescon 36 Post-Convention report is produced and ready to go! You don’t even have to wait for it to show up in your mailbox — just download it yourself for 16 pages of wrap-up from last year, and whet your appetite for what’s coming up in just barely over two months!

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Norwescon: Now on Tumblr and Pinterest! Tue, 03 Dec 2013 21:00:04 +0000 Norwescon has had a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ (plus YouTube for videos and Flickr for photos) for some time now, but we’ve just expanded our social media presence to include both Tumblr and Pinterest as well!

Of course, it should be obvious by now that we’re progressing well in our mad scheme to conquer ALL THE INTERNETS! But we can’t do it without all of you: our many attendees, panelists, guests, volunteers, fans, followers, Tumblr users, and pinners — so if you use one, two, or all of these services, take a look! Friend us, follow us, share, reblog, repin, and do whatever else you do to help us continue making Norwescon the best it can be every year!

To recap, you can now follow Norwescon on all of these sites:

Collect the whole set!

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Talking with Anne McCaffrey from NWC16 Thu, 21 Nov 2013 16:00:58 +0000 It’s 1993, Norwescon 16, and the Special Guest of Honor will not be able to attend the convention due to health reasons. What to do? Before the days of ubiquitous Internet and video conferencing, the only choice typically available was to establish a phone connection, a deeply unsatisfying experience. This was the situation we faced with Anne McCaffrey.

Ms. McCaffrey had been the Guest of Honor at Norwescon 9, just seven years prior. She was so delightful that we were bringing her back as a Special GoH. Unfortunately, health concerns made it impossible for her to make the long journey from her home in Ireland to Seattle.

What we did instead was accept Ms. McCaffrey’s gracious invitation to send some committee members to Ireland to visit her and make videos to bring back and show at the convention.

Pat Booze (Oros at the time), Chris McDonnell, and David Valentine made the trek and (with the magic of portable VHS cameras) recorded greetings, interviews, and readings to bring back to Norwescon.

We are making the available for your enjoyment today–Anne McCaffrey’s birthday.

Anne McCaffrey’s Videos

Greeting to Opening Ceremonies

Introduction to the after banquet entertainment

Closing ceremonies statement

Interview and house tour

Bonus Videos

Katherine Kurtz Reading: The Templar Treasure

Scott McMillan Interview and Reading

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NWC36 Spot-the-Poster Contest! Sun, 24 Feb 2013 19:00:51 +0000 NWC36 PosterDid you spot a poster (as seen to the right) or flyer (as seen on this page) for Norwescon 36 in the wild? Let us know where, and you could win one of only 250 special badge ribbons for your Norwescon 36 badge!

Poster locations eligible for this contest are in Seattle, the eastside, and Tacoma and are managed by Keep Posted. If you see a poster display in another location that includes our Norwescon poster please submit that information too. Alternate locations will be eligible for a reward if all 250 Keep Posted locations are not found.

The Fine Print

  1. All entries must be submitted by midnight of Sunday, March 24th.

  2. You may enter more than once. However, only one badge ribbon will be awarded per winner.

    1. If you are the first person to enter for more than one location, you will win for only the first location. The next person to enter for each location will win the ribbon (unless they have already won for another location, at which point the next person wins…and so on).
  3. Each winner will receive one (1) badge ribbon, to be distributed at a time and place of Norwescon’s choosing during Norwescon 36, March 28-31, 2013.

  4. Only entries for specific locations will be accepted. In other words, printing one of the flyers on this page, slapping it on a wall, and submitting that as your entry is a no-go. (Alternate locations will be eligible for a reward if all 250 Keep Posted locations are not found.)

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NWC36 Flyers Mon, 18 Feb 2013 18:00:48 +0000 Want to help promote Norwescon around your neighborhood, at your job, or anywhere else you can (legally) post a notice? We posted web banners not too long ago, but if you’d like to spread the word to people in the analog world, we’ve just posted color and black-and-white versions of our promotional flyer! Just click on either image below to download a printable .pdf file.

NWC36 Flyer (Black and White) NWC36 Flyer (Color)

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NWC35 Post-Con Report Wed, 13 Feb 2013 21:26:52 +0000 As we move closer to Norwescon 36, are you curious about how Norwescon 35 went? Well, wonderfully, of course! If you’d like a response that’s a little bit more detailed, our Norwescon 35 Post-Con Report (1.3MB .pdf) is now available!

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Mechanical hand project debuted at Norwescon 34 Sun, 16 Sep 2012 21:58:10 +0000 NWC34 | Saturday 358 Norwescon was mentioned in this account (recently featured on Boing Boing) of a project to develop a functional mechanical hand. It turns out that a gadget first created for a costume, and first shown publicly at Norwescon 34, is being adapted to assist a South African man who lost fingers on his right hand in a woodworking accident.

Back in April of 2011 – my husband Ivan and I decided we wanted to attend our very first Sci Fi convention, so he got to work on creating our costumes for the event. Ivan decided he wanted to make functional Mechanical hands and after studying how the human fingers work and taking a few lessons from a crab leg..he figured it out.

His hand was a hit at NORWESCON and within weeks, the silly little Youtube video he had created to share his awesomeness was getting thousands of views a day.

Little did we know that this would not only lead him to getting numerous orders for pairs of these mechanical hands from fellow goofballs that love to dress up and be a little crazy too, for a director of a play, a plastic version for a team of scientists at UCLA and a major Robotics company…but that one day he would get an email from a man named Rich in South Africa who was curious to see if Ivan could help him find a way to figure out the design he had been working on to restore two of the 4 fingers he had recently lost on his right hand due to a woodworking accident…after looking into a few prosthetics and researching the Xfinger design and being told it would cost him up to $10,000 (US Dollars) per finger…he knew he would never be able to afford this and wanted to design something on his own.

This was no longer a “Silly project” Ivan had been doing for a few extra bucks once in awhile…this now had purpose. It had possibilities. It could…change lives.

You can read more about this incredible project at coming up short handed, and Norwescon is proud to have such dedicated people in our membership. Congratulations and best wishes to Ivan Owen and Richard Van As!

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SF (and Norwescon) Big in the Northwest Mon, 02 Jul 2012 17:31:50 +0000 Congratulations to ConCom member Katrina Marier, who was recently interviewed for a Seattle Times article about fandom in the Pacific Northwest! Norwescon was mentioned, as was her husband and former chair Shawn, along with other PNW icons such as Westercon 65, Clarion West, and the EMP.

[Katrina] Marier is the editor of Westwind, the magazine of the Northwest Science Fiction Society. Shawn just finished a multiyear stint as chair of the Northwest’s largest science-fiction convention, Norwescon….

Thousands were at the annual Norwescon here in April….

Fandom is very tolerant of differences, she said. At a convention you’ll see someone in a Star Trek uniform walking down the hallway with ladies in ball gowns, going to discuss interstellar travel.

“Some you’ll like and some not. Some you’ll agree with and some not,” she said. “You all can occupy the same space for the course of a weekend. That is very important, and we could use a lot more of that in our national discourse.”

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