Norwescon » Norwescon Charities The Pacific Northwest's Premier Science-Fiction and Fantasy Convention Sun, 11 May 2014 16:12:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Norwescon Supports Northwest Harvest Sat, 12 Apr 2014 17:00:18 +0000 Norwescon is once again supporting the efforts of Northwest Harvest, Washington State’s largest resource for hunger relief efforts. We will have a donation bin in the lobby for shelf-stable food donations. We will also have items to bid on in Sunday’s auction. All funds raised on these items will go to NW Harvest, so please come check out our donations — you could get a great deal and help this wonderful organization at the same time! Finally, our charity liaison, Phillip Buff, and the lovely Willow Clark will be accepting cash donations ($2.00 minimum). While supplies last, con-goers can get our special ribbon by finding Phillip or Willow and donating to Northwest Harvest.

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Norwescon and Northwest Harvest Sat, 28 Sep 2013 19:26:49 +0000 Hello from Norwescon Charities!

Once again, we have chosen Northwest Harvest as one of the charities we are supporting at NWC 37. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about the important work that they do.

The mission of Northwest Harvest is “to provide nutritious food to hungry people statewide in a manner that respects their dignity, while fighting to eliminate hunger. Our vision is ample nutritious food is available to everyone in Washington State.”

Northwest Harvest provides food to over 350 food banks, community feeding programs, and at-risk schools via four distribution centers, located in eastern, central, coastal, and western Washington, reaching communities both rural and urban. Last year they donated over 26 million pounds of food; more than 70% of it was nutritious fruits and vegetables. Their administration costs are low — over 92% of their budget goes to distributing food to those in need.

Norwescon will have donation bins for nonperishable food in the lobby during the convention, and we will also be taking monetary donations. You can choose to make a donation when you register, and there will be people available at the convention to collect your donations as well (ribbon hounds take note: this is how last year’s “Yes, actually, I AM a superhero” ribbons were earned!). You can watch our progress during the convention: as the donations come in, our giving wall will be decorated with cans, representing the amount of donations raised. It is my hope that NW Harvest will beat last year’s donations!

Should you have any questions about this group or our work with them, please do not hesitate to email me:

Thanks for taking a moment to read about this great group.

Phillip Buff

Norwescon Charities

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Charity Donations Requested Sun, 17 Feb 2013 17:18:47 +0000 The charities office is seeking donations for the upcoming arts/charities auction for Norwescon 36. If you have one or more items that are in good condition that you believe are of interest to people in the science fiction/fantasy community — that is to say you believe people would not only like to own but would be willing to part with actual money to purchase — please contact Phillip Buff via email at with a description of the item(s) (photos appreciated if available).

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