Norwescon » Norwescon Business The Pacific Northwest's Premier Science-Fiction and Fantasy Convention Sun, 11 May 2014 16:12:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Support Norwescon by shopping with AmazonSmile Fri, 21 Mar 2014 16:31:43 +0000

Do you shop on Amazon? Would you like an easy, don’t-have-to-think-about it way to support Norwescon? Turns out that with the new AmazonSmile program, that’s incredibly easy to do! Just bookmark or save this Amazon link to use when you shop on Amazon, and 0.5% of eligible purchases will be donated to Norwescon. Once you have that link saved, there’s nothing more you need to do, as long as you start your shopping at


Some FAQs from the AmazonSmile website:

What is AmazonSmile?

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on The difference is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile (, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers.

How does AmazonSmile work?

When first visiting AmazonSmile, customers are prompted to select a charitable organization from almost one million eligible organizations. In order to browse or shop at AmazonSmile, customers must first select a charitable organization. For eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the customer’s selected charitable organization.

Is there any cost to charitable organizations or to customers?

No. There is no cost to charitable organizations or to AmazonSmile customers. The shopping experience is identical to with the added benefit that the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate to the charitable organizations selected by customers.

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Employer Matching Tue, 12 Nov 2013 21:58:47 +0000 Many of you know that in May 2011, Norwescon was granted 501(c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service. When we unlocked this achievement we were able to access a significant number of new services, goods, and fun things that help us to complete our mission1. In addition to receiving donations of goods and discounted prices for items like our new registration system, one of the more exciting avenues now open to us is access to employer matching programs. Many employers offer to pay 501(c)(3) organizations a certain amount of money for each hour that their employees volunteer (your employer might have a program that will pay Norwescon for your volunteer hours!).

We have had several ConCom members sign up with their employers for this type of employer matching program. As a result, in the last fiscal year, we received approximately $2,000 in employer matching funds. This amount could pay for Green Room supplies or it could cover almost all of the Special Events budget.

If you would like to learn if your employer has a matching program, the process is simple: Contact your human resources representative and, if this is a benefit that your employer offers, they will be able to start the process on your end. During this process, they will ask for contact information for the organization. Please give them the Norwescon business email address: If this benefit is something that you are able to access, thank you for thinking of donating your hours to us.

If this benefit is not something that your employer offers, don’t worry. We still love you and value your volunteer contributions as well.

1 Unfortunately, our mission is not to explore strange new worlds. It is slightly more earthy and achievable. Our mission, slightly edited, is to promote science fiction, fantasy, and science through the written word, art, and educational programs. We accomplish this goal by holding a yearly convention.

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