Saturday Schedule

What follows is a listing of all panels and events planned for Saturday, March 30th.

Schedules for the rest of the weekend are linked from the main schedule page, or you can go directly to ThursdayFriday, or Sunday.

We will be updating this list as major changes occur, until the convention opens. Last updated Mar 11, 2025 @ 7:23 pm.

9 a.m. PDT (Noon EDT / 4 p.m. GMT)

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Youth – Saturday Cartoons and Coloring

Cascade 12
9–10 a.m.
Start your day with some coloring sheets and cartoons.
Jenny Shafer (M)

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Reading: G.R. Theron

Cascade 3
9–10:30 a.m.
Come join G.R. Theron as he reads from his newest work. Rated PG.
G.R. Theron (M)

10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT / 5 p.m. GMT)

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Rad Comics!

Cascade 10
10–11 a.m.
Dig into comics and radiation! Splitting the atom in the 1930s captured the imagination of comic writers around the country, and influenced the creation of many of our favorite heroes. Ever wondered about the radioactive spider that made Spider-Man, the gamma radiation that gave us the Hulk, the heavy water that turned the luckless Barry Allen into The Flash, and so many other examples of radiation in comics? Join us as we do a deep dive into the super radiation behind superheroes.
Morgan Smathers (M), Tom Whitmore, Matt Youngmark, Jason Tondro

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Cozy Gaming

Cascade 11
10–11 a.m.
It seems like recent popular games lean toward darker, more disturbing themes. But with the current state of the world, people may once again need some cozy gaming, which gained popularity in the pandemic days. Join us for a discussion on why these lighter themes emphasizing non-violence and relaxation have gained in popularity, and pick up some tips on which ones, from video games to tabletop games and RPGs, are worth checking out.
Kristie Felice (M), Shanna Germain, Scotty McIntosh, Cheryl Dyson, Celeste Conowitch

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Youth – Beginning Sewing

Cascade 12
10–11 a.m.
Learn basic stitches and make your own small project. Guided projects for different skill levels.
Jenny Shafer (M), Theresa Halbert, Jane Campbell

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Writing as a Craft

Cascade 13
10–11 a.m.
Progress in a creative tradecraft can feel daunting, confusing, and stagnant. At worst, in the murky middle of the process, you can easily feel as if you’ll never achieve what you’ve hoped for. In this workshop, we’ll explore how the Dunning Kruger Effect overlaps the creative process, and how an understanding of medieval apprenticeship provides structure.
G.R. Theron (M)

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Colonizing New Worlds – Planting Ships

Cascade 5 & 6
10–11 a.m.
Let’s discuss a different take on the usual tropes such as crash landing or sending parties down from ships in orbit, where this time the entire ship is the entire ecosystem not just to transit space but to ‘plant’ it in a planned landing.
Travis Partington (M), Tom Lawhead, Peter Fuller, Ben Honeycutt, Maquel A. Jacob

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Non-Fabric Costuming

Cascade 7 & 8
10–11 a.m.
How far can you get with cardboard, recyclables, bits & bobs, and found objects? Turns out pretty darn far! Join us for a conversation about our costuming misadventures. Teen/tween focus.
Richard Stephens (M), Douglas Herring, Melissa Quinn, Zamesta Cosplay

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Werewolf Torts and Undead Tax Liabilities

Cascade 9
10–11 a.m.
How exactly should you set up your will before you join the ranks of the undead? Or, exactly how long can you collect your pension after becoming a lich? Bring your burning legal questions for the fantastic to our panel of experts, and we’ll take you through all the permutations to the lawyer’s favorite answer: it depends.
Kathy (M), Bryana Bean, Gina Saucier, Sarah Grey, Ron Lundeen

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Boost Your TBR with KCLS

Evergreen 1 & 2
10–11 a.m.
Is your TBR (To Be Read) list becoming stale? Hear from a panel of KCLS librarians about new, interesting, and diverse titles in science fiction, fantasy, and horror. We’ll break down popular themes in each genre and recommend books that feature unique twists, diverse BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ characters, and new trends that are guaranteed to pique your curiosity. Titles featured will include recommendations for all ages, including children, teens, and adults.
King County Library System (KCLS) (M)

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Autograph Session

Grand 2
10–11 a.m.
Our guests of honor and attending professionals are available to sign autographs. PLEASE NOTE: So that as many fans as possible can participate, we will be enforcing a three-item (or single-sketch) autograph limit per session.
Catherynne M. Valente, Wayne Barlowe, Tracy Drain, Jenny Jarzabski, Mike Kimmel, Isis Asare, Tara Campbell, Subodhana Wijeyeratne, Aaron Ryan, Alan M. Clark, Amanda Cherry, Ava Thorne, Andrew Penn Romine, Banana Chan, Ben Thompson, Brenda Carre, Brenda Cooper, Brianna Malotke, Brianna Tibbetts, Caitlin Starling, Curtis C. Chen, D.L. Solum, Dana Kippel, Darrin Drader, Daryl Gregory, David D. Levine, Dean Wells, Ed Buchan, Liz Argall, Ellis Bray, Eva L. Elasigue, Evan J. Peterson, Felicity Harley, Frances Lu Pai Ippolito, Gabrielle de Cuir, G. David Nordley, GregRobin Smith, Gwendolyn N. Nix, Jeff Sturgeon, Jessie Kwak, Remy Nakamura, Jonathan JD Davenport, Joseph Brassey, Julie McGalliard, Kat Richardson, Laura Anne Gilman, L.J. Melvin, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Leslie Lutz, Lizzy D. Hill, Agathon McGeachy, Dr. Mark Rounds, Joseph Malik, Miranda Levi, Natalie Leif, Suyi Davies Okungbowa, Patrick Swenson, Rhiannon/R.Z. Held, Richard Sparks, Rosemary Jones, Stefan Rudnicki, Steven Barnes

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Pre-Masquerade Meeting

Grand 3
10–11 a.m.
If you plan to enter the masquerade, you must attend one of the pre-masquerade meetings to get all the information you need to compete and turn over your music. If you have not already registered online, we will have a computer available for you to do so. If you are just curious and have some questions, we will have the answers.

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Topping Off Your Cosplay: Building Fantastic Hats

Maxi’s Ballroom
10–11:30 a.m.
Hat-making has its own skill set, which can seem intimidating. It doesn’t need to be. We will discuss hat making materials, where to find them, and how to use them to shape and trim the hat of your dreams. We will also discuss transforming secondhand hats. Samples of hat materials will be available for handling, and volunteers will have a chance to stiffen and steam hats to make them take shape.
Crystal Taggart (M)

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Let’s Make a Movie: Shoot It!

Evergreen 3 & 4
10 a.m.–Noon
You were there for the previous part, where we figured out what we needed and planned this movie out? Quick, time travel! Or drop in anyway and become a Valued Actor Person. Today we shoot like mad weasels because there’s not much time and if we’re going to make a movie at light speed, then we have to move like light. So, don’t be late, or you’ll just see red-shifted versions of us. The key is to get the footage in the can, or “box,” because we’re shooting video. But you know what we mean. It’s two hours of madness but always worth it in the end.
Ryan K. Johnson (M), Edward Martin III, Brian D. Oberquell

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Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator

Maxi’s Salon
10 a.m.–10 p.m.
Artemis is a spaceship bridge simulator where players assume the jobs of captains, helm, science, communication, engineering, and weapons and work together to defeat alien enemies.

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All Ages Open Gaming

Olympic 1
10 a.m.–10 p.m.
Do you want to set up your own game? Head to our new location in Wing 7 which has space for your RPG, board game, or card game. Check one out from Dragonflight’s Lending Library or bring your own.

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All Ages Open Gaming

Olympic 2
10 a.m.–10 p.m.
Check out games from our lending libraries. We have RPGs, card games, board games, and more! An official state license or state ID is needed to check out games. This space has tables to play the games you borrow.

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Lakeside Gaming 1st Floor: All Ages Scheduled Games

Rotunda 1
10 a.m.–11 p.m.
Sign up for a game. We have Pathfinder Society, RPGs, card games, and more! After gaming closes, this area is available for open games.

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Lakeside Gaming 2nd Floor: All Ages Scheduled Games

Rotunda 2
10 a.m.–11 p.m.
Sign up for a game. We have Pathfinder Society, RPGs, card games, and more! After gaming closes, this area is available for open games. Lakeside Gaming is accessible via the second-floor skybridge.

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Reading: Daniel H. Wilson

Cascade 3
10:30–11 a.m.
Hole in the Sky. A novel about native first contact that takes place at the Spiro Mounds in Northeastern Oklahoma. Rated G.
Daniel H. Wilson (M)

11 a.m. PDT (2 p.m. EDT / 6 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Brenda Cooper

Cascade 3
11–11:30 a.m.
“When Mothers Dream.” A fantasy story about our Pacific Northwest orcas, and the title story for a forthcoming collection of science fiction and fantasy that centers on female protagonists. Rated G.
Brenda Cooper (M)

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Readers and Writers: Who Writes YA?

Cascade 10
11 a.m.–Noon
What does YA have that other genres don’t? Why should you write it? How do you write it? Learn from panelists about why you should write YA and what to be aware of when writing it. This is part of a series about readers and writers of YA.
Marta Murvosh (M), L.J. Melvin, Brianna Tibbetts, Karen Eisenbrey

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Can You Lick the Science?

Cascade 11
11 a.m.–Noon
We’ll just let your mind wander and surprise you after the door is locked.
Jake McKinzie (M), Colette Breshears, Morgan Smathers, Ben Honeycutt, Mona West

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Youth – Poetry Time

Cascade 12
11 a.m.–Noon
What is poetry? How do you make it? Come hear some poetry and create your own.
Jenny Shafer (M), Leslie Lutz, Meagan Maricle

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Rural Horror: Poor Monsters or Fallen Aristocracy?

Cascade 5 & 6
11 a.m.–Noon
Horror movies such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and House of a Thousand Corpses take place in decaying and isolated rural environments full of decadent, inbred weirdos. But are these monsters born of poverty and neglect? Or are they the stubborn remnants of an overclass in decline, tormenting hapless travelers in a twisted attempt to recapture their former sense of cultural dominance? Our panel discusses the evidence for both sides and considers what this question might say about American history.
Julie McGalliard (M), Daryl Gregory, Natalie Leif, Gwen Callahan , Andrew Penn Romine

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Adaptive Costuming

Cascade 7 & 8
11 a.m.–Noon
How do you make your cosplays come to life and make sure they meet you where you are? Join us for a discussion about integrating mobility devices and making cosplay accessible for everyone.
Scotty McIntosh (M), Zamesta Cosplay, Ylluria WaterSong

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More than Words: Music, Characters, and Community

Cascade 9
11 a.m.–Noon
Whether we love music as listeners or make it as musicians, we’re all impacted by music. And, although writing is a silent art form, the stories we read and tell are enriched, transformed, and deepened by a musical presence. But how does it work? What kind of musical references work best in the written word? When do those references fall flat (pun intended)? How can writers use music to show community, character growth, and world-building?
Elise Stephens (M), Stefan Rudnicki, Cathy McManamon, Leslie Jordan, Dr. Mark Rounds

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First Page Idol

Evergreen 1 & 2
11 a.m.–Noon
Does your hook grab your target readers? Are you sure? Try out your opening in front of a live audience with the help of professional voice actors. Our audiobook narrators will read a stack of first pages out loud. Audience members who read in your genre will raise their hands when they lose interest. As the author, you’ll stay anonymous while getting feedback from readers. To submit work, email your first page with genre designation at the top to
Sierra Cross (M), Sam Stark, Gary Bennett, Gabrielle de Cuir, Rebecca H. Lee, Lee Harris

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Youngling Lightsaber Training

Grand 2
11 a.m.–Noon
Padawans, do you feel the call of The Force? Join the Jedi and Sith of Kamino Temple and learn how to use a lightsaber! Take your first steps into a larger world. Ages 4-12 with parental supervision.
Torrey Stenmark (M)

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Speed Friending

Maxi’s Lounge
11 a.m.–Noon
Do you want to get to know other congoers, but the idea of striking up a conversation with someone you don’t know makes you think about running the other way? One, welcome! You’re in a lot of good company when it comes to meeting new people. Two, we have a solution to feeling alone in a crowd. This is like speed dating. You sit down with someone and each of you talk for up to two minutes about easy topics: Have you been to NWC before? What events sound interesting this year? What are your fandoms? If the two of you want to talk further, exchange info. Otherwise, hey, you still met someone. And every few minutes, you both switch to someone new and start again. Find some of your future friends here!
Tabby L Rose (M)

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Building Your Creative Website

Cascade 13
11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Have you ever found yourself frustrated, overwhelmed, or at a loss when it comes to designing your website? You’re a writer, artist, or creative, so creating this visual project should be fun, and yet you keep getting stuck. You’re not alone. Join Brittany Torres, a webdesigner, marketing coach, and artist, for this workshop to help you say goodbye to the guesswork and start taking actionable steps towards a finished and professional website. You’ll learn what your website “must haves” are and how to create an outline. There will be time for questions. All creatives welcome.
Brittany Torres (M)

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Reading: Laura Anne Gilman

Cascade 3
11:30 a.m.–Noon
Come join Laura Anne Gilman for a reading. Rated PG.
Laura Anne Gilman (M)

Noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT / 7 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Catherynne M. Valente

Cascade 3
Noon–12:30 p.m.
Nobody But Us. A reading from our GOH’s newest gender dystopian thriller from Tor Books. Rated PG.
Catherynne M. Valente (M)

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How to Design for Different Flavors of Fantasy

Cascade 10
Noon–1 p.m.
High fantasy, sword and sorcery, urban fantasy, historical fantasy, so many flavors! How do you tailor a game’s setting and rules to bring out the type of fantasy you want?
Jason Nelson (M), Darrin Drader, Jason Tondro, Ron Lundeen, Logan Bonner

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Foot Soldiers in Space?

Cascade 11
Noon–1 p.m.
With spaceships, drones, and AI-guided missiles, are foot soldiers still necessary in sci-fi battles? Do armies of the future still need marines and foot soldiers to fight in sci-fi wars? With advanced technology, would they become unnecessary? What about landing parties? When does space military transition back to planet-based military?
Travis Partington (M), Peter Fuller, Tom Lawhead, Ed Buchan, Gareth Davis

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Sparkle Temporary Tattoos

Cascade 12
Noon–1 p.m.
Get a sparkle tattoo. Children and adults welcome.
Cindy Fangour (M)

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Dueling Artists and Scientists

Cascade 5 & 6
Noon–1 p.m.
Charades meets science meets art meets hilarity. Join us for the second year of this hilarious panel.
Jake McKinzie (M), Eric L Vargas, Larry Lewis, Dr. Ricky, V Whitlock, Richard Sparks

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The Power of Escapism

Cascade 7 & 8
Noon–1 p.m.
In challenging times, fantasy stories offer solace. Join in a discussion on the qualities of escapism, sharing personal resonances and offering techniques to infuse your writing with the magic of a compelling escape.
Camden Rose (M), Elliott Kay, Tom D Wright, Tara Campbell, Randy Henderson

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Turning Emotions into Art

Cascade 9
Noon–1 p.m.
Art is a form of letting out feelings and connecting with others. Let’s discuss how trauma often leads to creativity, and how art can be used as therapy to heal.
Liz Argall (M), Sean Nathan Ricks, Ellis Bray, Rob Carlos, Brian Grinnell

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Inhospitable and Indelible Worlds: Terraform or Transform Humanity?

Evergreen 1 & 2
Noon–1 p.m.
In humanity’s relentless expansion in SF, why let a little thing like an inhospitable environment get in the way? Sometimes, humans change the planet. Sometimes, the planet changes humans.
Felicity Harley (M), Jake Yorgason, Jim Kling, Stephen Merrill, Brenda Cooper

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How Speculative Fiction Informs Our Beliefs

Evergreen 3 & 4
Noon–1 p.m.
From Narnia to Dune, spirituality shows up in speculative fiction. But what about the other way around? How has fiction influenced what you believe or don’t believe?
Robert King (M), Tracy Drain, Frances Lu Pai Ippolito, Mir Plemmons

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Single Pattern Contest: Judging

Maxi’s Lounge
Noon–1 p.m.
No pre-registration is required to compete in the single pattern contest (but you may pre-register if you’d like). Bring your completed entry to Maxi’s Lounge for judging. We ask that you provide a short description of your entry, its inspiration, and any special techniques or materials used.

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Adult Lightsaber Choreography Class

Grand 2
Noon–2 p.m.
Kamino Temple of Saber Guild welcomes all prospective Jedi and Sith. Come learn the basics of stage lightsaber combat and develop your first choreographed performance. Come dressed to move. Loaner lightsabers will be provided. Ages 13+.
Torrey Stenmark (M)

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Reading: Talulah J. Sullivan

Cascade 3
12:30–1 p.m.
Raven Mocker. An IndigiGothic novel with queer protagonists, spirits from both sides of the Atlantic, and a kickass grandmother! Rated G.
Talulah J. Sullivan (M)

1 p.m. PDT (4 p.m. EDT / 8 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Timothy W. Long

Cascade 3
1–1:30 p.m.
Dark Lord’s Last Call. Vincent Logan’s day couldn’t get worse. Fired and nearly dying, he suddenly inhabits the body of the defeated Dark Lord Morthisal. Trapped in a fantasy world with uncontrollable powers and a notorious reputation, Vince must navigate a kingdom that wants him dead. But he has other plans. Armed with his wits, a few magical artifacts, and a craving for chicken wings, he sets out to open a tavern and serve the best hot wings the kingdom has ever tasted. Rated PG.
Timothy W. Long (M)

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Meet Your KCLS Makerspaces

Cascade 10
1–2 p.m.
Have you wanted to learn 3D printing, but been intimidated by the cost or technology? Interested in using a laser cutter or a serger but can’t fit one in your space? Join King County Library System (KCLS) Makerspace staff as they discuss various equipment and opportunities available at the Bellevue and Federal Way libraries. There you’ll find examples of what you can make and learn about how you can build your skills as a maker with the library. Bring your curiosity, enthusiasm, and ideas.
King County Library System (KCLS) (M)

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Tulpas, Hunting and the Winchesters

Cascade 11
1–2 p.m.
A discussion of the myths, cryptids, and tulpas used and created in the show Supernatural. How many were real and how many were added to internet mythos after the show? Also, we’ll enjoy a fun reminiscence about the show.
Janna Silverstein (M), Aigner Loren Wilson, Caren GS, AJ, Eva L. Elasigue

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Youth – Costume Prop Making

Cascade 12
1–2 p.m.
During this costume craft hour, we’ll make tails, tiaras, belts, hats, and other accessories using techniques like gluing, simple sewing, and stapling. Small children will need assistance.
Jenny Shafer (M), Ieva Ohaks, Ava Thorne, Sam Stark

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Teens Overthrow the Government!

Cascade 13
1–2 p.m.
We’ve heard it all before. The spunky young protagonist overthrows the government while also finding love and found family. What books do it well? What books do it not so well? What ingredients make for a good overthrowing?
Camden Rose (M), Marta Murvosh, Kate Ristau, Curtis C. Chen, Brianna Tibbetts

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The Power of Amusement

Cascade 5 & 6
1–2 p.m.
Learn about the intricates of writing humor, how it can be an effective mode of tackling the toughest subjects, and ways in which an author draws from this wellspring to give their own work a quality suitable for a dry smirk at the very least.
Tara Campbell (M), Shiv Ramdas, Richard Sparks, Randy Henderson, Rosemary Jones

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Get to Know the Endeavour Award

Cascade 7 & 8
1–2 p.m.
Since 1999, the Endeavour Award has recognized fantasy or science fiction novels or short story collections written by authors in the Pacific Northwest. It is free to enter and includes a $1,000 cash prize for the winner. Come listen to past winners and finalists discuss the award and its importance to them and learn about how the award process works. Panel participation is only open to current or past Endeavour Award winners, finalists, and judges.
Jim Kling (M), Brenda Cooper, Laura Anne Gilman, Gordon Van Gelder

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New Nukes Next Door

Cascade 9
1–2 p.m.
It’s been a while since any new nuclear reactors have been built. Are we done with them forever? Or are new technologies, understandings, and sensibilities going to lead us to places we have never been before? Join us, as the moderator keeps the criticality from running away.
Morgan Smathers (M), Mike Brennan, Russell Ervin, Dr. Sean Robinson, Colette Breshears

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UFO/UAP: The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Evergreen 1 & 2
1–2 p.m.
The truth is out there. Research in the UFO/UAP field is emerging daily. Join our panelists to discuss current information and research.
Felicity Harley (M), Dana Kippel, Joseph Malik, Daryl Gregory

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Focus on the Outer Planets and Moons

Evergreen 3 & 4
1–2 p.m.
What are the most important space probes coming up? Europa? Asteroids? Other moons of the outer planets? What are we missing? What should be done?
Dan Dubrick (M), Tracy Drain, Jane Campbell, Phil L. Swan, G. David Nordley

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Figure Drawing Class

Maxi’s Ballroom
1–2 p.m.
Have some costumed models, tables, and a timer. Sprinkle in some people with drawing materials and voilà! A figure drawing class.
Lizzy D. Hill (M), Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, Liz Argall, Richard Stephens, Larry Lewis, Zamesta Cosplay, Eric L Vargas

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Single Pattern Contest: Showing

Maxi’s Lounge
1–2 p.m.
Show and share time for the single pattern contest participants’ amazing entries. Learn directly from their talented creators and pick your favorite for the People’s Choice Award. We’ll announce the winners during this panel and showcase all the incredible items.

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Santa and Krampus Photos

Lobby Photo Area
1–3 p.m.
Join us for a one-of-a-kind photo opportunity featuring the jolly Santa alongside the mischievous Krampus. Perfect for your holiday cards, this whimsical experience will add a touch of humor and a dash of tradition to your festive greetings. All proceeds go to Page Ahead, a children’s literacy program. Don’t miss out on this enchanting and entertaining event.
Ryan Fudge (M), Santa Russ

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Reading: J.T. Greathouse

Cascade 3
1:30–2 p.m.
The Hand of the Sun King Chapter 1. A live reading of the first chapter in which a young boy is taught magic by his grandmother and is first forced to choose between her traditions and the life of imperial service his father wants for him. Rated PG
J.T. Greathouse (M)

2 p.m. PDT (5 p.m. EDT / 9 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Matt Youngmark

Cascade 3
2–2:30 p.m.
The Piot Episode. It’s 17 years in the future, and humanity has conquered the galaxy. Well, not so much conquered as made themselves ubiquitous by figuring out ways to do everything cheaper and worse. Rated PG.
Matt Youngmark (M)

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Discord and Fandom

Cascade 10
2–3 p.m.
In recent years, fandom as a community has been moving onto Discord servers. Fans are seeking private communities to shelter from the hostility of social media. This shift has resulted in less engagement with fan creations—fanfic writers see fewer comments, while fan artists move their works from public platforms to private subscription services. What happens when the fandom community disconnects and unravels in this way? What does fandom community look like in the minds of new fans? Can fan creators be expected to create without the incentive of community support?
Berlynn Wohl (M), Cheryl Dyson, Natalie Leif, Kris “Pepper” Hambrick, David D. Levine

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Advanced Radiation

Cascade 11
2–3 p.m.
Alpha, beta, gamma: the basic radiation palette. But what about positrons? Neutrinos? Bremsstrahlung radiation? Our panelists will enlighten us about radiations even Star Trek never saw.
Mike Brennan (M), Morgan Smathers, Michael Brugger, Dr. Sean Robinson, Howard Davidson

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Youth – Felt Succulents

Cascade 12
2–3 p.m.
The best kind of plant is one that you don’t have to water. Create your own felt succulent to take home. Small children will need assistance.
Jenny Shafer (M)

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Help Teens Overthrow the Government!

Cascade 13
2–3 p.m.
Create your own dystopia in this workshop. Learn from panelists about the basics of a dystopian government, and how to make a protagonist that is prepared to overthrow it. Then, put pencil to paper and create your own government to overthrow. This class is limited, so make sure to sign up. It is recommended you attend the “Teens Overthrow the Government” panel before this workshop.
Camden Rose (M), Kate Ristau, Marta Murvosh, Curtis C. Chen, Brianna Tibbetts

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New Modes in Writing Workshops

Cascade 5 & 6
2–3 p.m.
New thoughts on writing workshops. For many years, writing workshops followed one pattern of critiquing. In recent years, some people have questioned this pattern and have suggested alternatives, which are increasingly coming into practice. What are these workshop structures? Have they been effective? A panel of writers teaching and learning within them discuss.
Erik Grove (M), Kel, A. W. Prihandita, Catherynne M. Valente, Elise Stephens

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Consent in Gaming

Cascade 7 & 8
2–3 p.m.
How do you manage consent at your table? Tired of losing good players? Are your players being consensual with each other? What are the expectations of the characters? Have you even talked about it? TTPRGs can enter a lot of difficult, amazing, and edgy psychological territory. It’s part of what makes it fun and interesting. There are ways to make the game and the exploration that goes with it deeper, more open, and safer. Join our panelists as they discuss ways to make things more consensual at the table and how, in doing so, you can create even more amazing sessions.
Amanda Cherry (M), Shanna Germain, Carlos Cabrera, Jessica Redekop, Banana Chan

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But That’s Not Fair!

Cascade 9
2–3 p.m.
Young people are becoming more aware of injustice and arbitrary norms. If you’re young, come talk about how you can push back effectively, and if you’re older, how to support the next generation in making a better world.
Amy Sundberg (M), Bryana Bean, Cathy McManamon, Andrew Williams, Robert King

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Worldbuilding Series 203: Society and Structure

Evergreen 1 & 2
2–3 p.m.
As the final part of our worldbuilding series, we explore how secret societies, formal institutions, and war shape world history and add flavor to your worldbuilding. We will provide insights into how to integrate these qualities while avoiding the dread info dump.
G.R. Theron (M), Brenda Carre, Jeff Sturgeon, Thomas Theron, Lawrence Watt-Evans

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What is Military Science Fiction?

Evergreen 3 & 4
2–3 p.m.
What is military sci-fi? Which works labeled as such shouldn’t be, and which ones aren’t but should be?
Teresa Drag (M), Russell Ervin, Peter Fuller, Elliott Kay, John Lovett

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Norse Sword and Shield Tactical Combat

Grand 2
2–3 p.m.
In this hands-on combat demo, participants, equipped with wooden swords and shields, will learn and practice basic Norse weapon combat skills in a safe, highly-supervised environment. What is it like standing in the shield wall? Instructors will provide training swords, shields, and gloves to be used by participants. Angry villagers will get to throw rocks.
Bill Gruner (M), V Whitlock, Norman K. Moss, Joseph Malik, Agathon McGeachy, GregRobin Smith, D.L. Solum, Alexander Pereira

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Seattle Worldcon 2025 Tea Party

Presidential Suite 1360
2–3:30 p.m.
Come to a tea party hosted by the Seattle Worldcon 2025 team. Meet some of the plotters and planners, hear about what a Worldcon entails, and add your two cents about how to make it a great event. Seattle Worldcon 2025 will be at the Seattle Convention Center, August 13-17, 2025. The tea party will feature a special blend of tea, snacks, and conversation. You can learn more about the convention and buy a membership at, or by visiting the club table in the lobby.
Kathy (M)

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Reading: Steven Barnes

Cascade 3
2:30–3 p.m.
Assassin. A professional assassin, trained from birth and knowing no other life, begins to awaken to her emotions and history. Rated PG.
Steven Barnes (M)

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Nerf Shooting Rrange

Maxi’s Lounge
2:30–5 p.m.
Join us at Maxi’s for our Nerf range. Come try out blasters. Enjoy some foam-flinging fun.

3 p.m. PDT (6 p.m. EDT / 10 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Karen Eisenbrey

Cascade 3
3–3:30 p.m.
A Quest for Hidden Things. Crane sets out on a quest to confront the wizard who cursed the village of Deep River before Crane was born. Ketty hides her magical healing ability from her father, who blames magic for her mother’s death. When Crane and Ketty meet, they discover they have a common enemy. Together, they must break the curse. Rated G.
Karen Eisenbrey (M)

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Collaborative Art

Cascade 10
3–4 p.m.
Learn what to do and not do when collaborating with other creatives on various projects.
Liz Argall (M), Alan M. Clark, Michael Brugger, Brittany Torres, Lizzy D. Hill

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True Ghost Stories

Cascade 11
3–4 p.m.
Panelists share their favorite personal creepy stories about real-world hauntings and uncanny events. What makes a “true” ghost story convincing and scary?
Joseph Malik (M), Andrew Penn Romine, Brianna Malotke, Kat Richardson, Frances Lu Pai Ippolito

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It’s a Prop! No, It’s a Purse!

Cascade 5 & 6
3–4 p.m.
Let’s brainstorm some fun ways to carry our necessary items while in costume, including adding hidden pockets for phones and cash, or secreting your snacks inside your props.
Ieva Ohaks (M), Gina Saucier, Taylor Tomblin, Torrey Stenmark, Ms Purple Pearl

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Utopia Now!

Cascade 7 & 8
3–4 p.m.
It’s not always easy to stay optimistic when humanity seems to be heading down a Fury Road instead of embarking on a Star Trek. How can speculative fiction from our often-bleak present still help us create visions for a positive future?
Remy Nakamura (M), Dana Kippel, Amy Sundberg, Daniel H. Wilson, Tara Campbell

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Ensemble Casts

Cascade 9
3–4 p.m.
Fantasy casts often boast a wide-ranging, diverse party of heroes. Join our panelists as they discuss their favorite ensemble casts and just what it is about them that makes them work.
G.R. Theron (M), Stephen Merrill, Jake Yorgason, Richard Sparks, Brenda Carre

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The Past Year in the Rest of the World in Space

Evergreen 1 & 2
3–4 p.m.
Come hear and see what happened in space from non-US space agencies. Includes pictures and video. A perennial favorite, come early to get a good seat.
Dan Dubrick (M), Hugh S. Gregory

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Cracking Short Fiction Markets

Evergreen 3 & 4
3–4 p.m.
Short stories are a time-honored way to build one’s reputation as a writer. But traditional markets are more competitive than ever; editors field submissions from humans and large language models (LLMs) while fighting for revenue amid recent changes to Amazon’s magazine-subscription program. Amid this pressure, what kinds of stories are accepted? Where should you send a novelette or novella? A panel of writers and editors discuss strategies that work for them and less traditional approaches to publishing short fiction.
Elise Stephens (M), Richard Flores IV, Gordon Van Gelder, Tegan Moore, Aigner Loren Wilson, K.G. Anderson

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Roman Legionary Gladius & Scutum Tactical Combat

Grand 2
3–4 p.m.
Teams of 20+ participants, each equipped with a wooden gladius (sword) and regulation scutum (shield) will learn and practice basic Roman legionary combat skills in a safe, supervised environment. Learn what it’s like to be part of the Roman line. Instructors will provide swords, shields, and training. The audience will play an important part in the experience. Scenario: Legionaries attacked by barbarians. Angry villagers throwing stones.
Oliver/Castra Ferrata (M), V Whitlock, Alexander Pereira, Norman K. Moss, Bill Gruner, GregRobin Smith, Agathon McGeachy, D.L. Solum

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Color It, Bead It, Hang It on a Wall! Part 2: Bead Embroidery Basics

Maxi’s Ballroom
3–4:30 p.m.
In this workshop we will learn about types of beads, tools, and materials used in bead embroidery. Instruction will cover three stitching techniques to embellish your design from the previous workshop. (Kits will be available for attendees who did not attend part one.) Kit includes an assortment of beads, a beading needle, backing for your project nymo beading thread, and fabric to bead on. Limit 24. Cost $10.00
Theresa Halbert (M)

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Youth – Hero Kids

Cascade 12
3–5 p.m.
Play Hero Kids, a tabletop RPG that’s just for kids.
Jenny Shafer (M), Meagan Maricle

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A Game Design Jam Part 3: Build the Encounter

Cascade 13
3–5 p.m.
Let’s build an encounter! Now that we have monsters and maps, we can build an adventure scene full of perilous combat, social intrigue, and dramatic high stakes. In this panel, you’ll learn to create fun, memorable encounters while collaborating with game industry professionals. (Beginners, professionals, and players of all editions and systems are welcome!)
Jenny Jarzabski (M), Mike Kimmel, Jessica Redekop, Logan Bonner, Rigby Bendele

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Reading: Shiv Ramdas

Cascade 3
3:30–4 p.m.
Djinn and Tonic. Rated G.
Shiv Ramdas (M)

4 p.m. PDT (7 p.m. EDT / 11 p.m. GMT)

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Reading: Amanda Cherry

Cascade 3
4–4:30 p.m.
Dawn Calamity (or Noontide Cataclysm). The Calamity books are dieselpunk political fantasy featuring a very salty princess, a sapphic love story, and authoritarianism as the villain. Rated G.
Amanda Cherry (M)

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How to Be a Positive Influence In Fandom

Cascade 10
4–5 p.m.
Learn ways to uplift and encourage other fans and make creative spaces fun and welcoming.
Cheryl Dyson (M), Sam Stark, Kris “Pepper” Hambrick, Janna Silverstein, Berlynn Wohl

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What Makes a Good Game Designer?

Cascade 11
4–5 p.m.
You’ve run hundreds of games for your friends and created your own world, a few custom magic items, monsters, or even subclasses. Now you want to go further and design for a wider audience. In this panel, we’ll discuss best practices and what skills you should hone when you’re considering designing games or game material, whether independently or for a game publisher.
Jason Nelson (M), Darrin Drader, Banana Chan, Shanna Germain, Celeste Conowitch

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The Grand Finale: Storytelling 203

Cascade 5 & 6
4–5 p.m.
This completes our story writing series. Join our panelists as they focus on the climatic conclusion to all questions and plots, landing your story firmly onto the beloved list of readers for years to come. At the very least, you’ll learn some techniques to help elevate your work and make the most out of this final part of your story.
G.R. Theron (M), Curtis C. Chen, Catherine Cooke Montrose, Dean Wells, Kate Ristau

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Where’s the Line: Boundaries of YA

Cascade 7 & 8
4–5 p.m.
YA, in theory, is targeting teens, though there is a huge difference between a 13-year-old and a 19-year-old. Can you have sex? Can you have murder? Can you have more mature content and themes? Where are the boundaries in YA?
Camden Rose (M), Miranda Levi, Brianna Tibbetts, L.J. Melvin, Wren Handman

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My Blood Suck King

Cascade 9
4–5 p.m.
Alucard or Olivia Rodrigo’s ex? Using metrics like Best Style and Weirdest Powers, this is your chance to make a case for why your favorite vamp is the real Queen of the Night or King of the Bite.
Jack Samm (M), Kristie Felice, B. Zelkovich, AJ, Rogue Bonaventura

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Neurodiversity 101

Evergreen 1 & 2
4–5 p.m.
Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more! What does it mean to be neurodivergent or neurotypical? What could a neurodiverse society look like?
Liz Coleman (M), Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, Thursday, Dustin Campbell, Caren GS

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The Anatomy of Fantastical Creatures

Evergreen 3 & 4
4–5 p.m.
Learn how to make your bizarre creatures look like they could actually have evolved somewhere.
Larry Lewis (M), Wayne Barlowe, Douglas Herring, Mona West, Colette Breshears

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Stand With Broadsword in Hand

Grand 2
4–5 p.m.
How to stand, walk, turn, block, and cut like a real knight. A hands-on class taught by an SCA knight with 30+ years of experience. We’ll talk about armor, weapons, defenses and attacks. How does the weight of your armor affect your posture and stance? How can a 2- to 4-lb. broadsword move quickly enough to defeat your opponent? How hard do you have to strike to penetrate various kinds of armor? Where does that power come from?
D.L. Solum (M), Travis Partington, Gareth Davis, Bill Gruner, GregRobin Smith, V Whitlock, Agathon McGeachy, Ann Shilling, Sven Red Beard, Seth Tufteland

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Reading: Suyi Davies Okungbowa

Cascade 3
4:30–5 p.m.
Described as “a vertical Snowpiercer in the middle of the ocean,” Lost Ark Dreaming follows three inhabitants of the last tower standing in a drowned world, after a mysterious creature of the deep ventures into the tower. This reading will feature a couple of interstitial “found documents” present in the book. Rated G.
Suyi Davies Okungbowa (M)

5 p.m. PDT (8 p.m. EDT / 12 a.m. April 20 GMT)

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Reading: Emily C. Skaftun

Cascade 3
5–5:30 p.m.
Come join Emily C. Skaftun for a reading. Rated PG.
Emily C. Skaftun (M)

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Getting Started as an Editor

Cascade 10
5–6 p.m.
Do you want to showcase stories you love? Help writers tighten up sloppy prose? Support a story’s evolution on its way to being published? If you answered yes to any of the above, you may be a budding editor. Find out about the different career paths available to editors today and how to get started. Teen- and tween-aimed panel.
Lee Harris (M), Celeste Wakefield, Laura Anne Gilman, Richard Flores IV, Carl Engle-Laird

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Children’s Masquerade Pre-Meeting

Cascade 11
5–6 p.m.
If you have a little one who wishes to enter the children’s masquerade, please come to this panel and get them signed up. We will lead you down to the masquerade when the time is right. Children go on first to accommodate their early bedtimes.

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Youth – Fairy/Gnome Gardens

Cascade 12
5–6 p.m.
Create a tiny garden for a fairy or gnome to live in. Small children will need assistance.
Jenny Shafer (M), Natalie Leif, Scotty McIntosh

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The Sword: Roman to Medieval

Cascade 13
5–6 p.m.
The sword has been the principal sidearm in many cultures. Examples of swords from the Roman gladius and the medieval broad sword to the katana will be presented for discussion and examination.
Bill Gruner (M), Norman K. Moss, Agathon McGeachy, D.L. Solum, Peter Fuller, Joseph Brassey

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Boeing Starliner

Cascade 5 & 6
5–6 p.m.
Failure in technology or failure in leadership?
Dan Dubrick (M), V Whitlock, Howard Davidson, Belsac, Alan Andrist

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Mythic Origins

Cascade 7 & 8
5–6 p.m.
Uncover the roots of your favorite fantasies by exploring myths and fairy tales. Discuss the influence of these timeless tales on fantasy. Get tips on incorporating them into your own work and recommended additions to your reading list.
Remy Nakamura (M), Dana Kippel, Rhiannon/R.Z. Held, Brittany Torres, Tegan Moore

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Transitioning From Traditional to Digital Art

Cascade 9
5–6 p.m.
Learn how creators of traditional art transition to digital art. What programs do they use? Why did they transition? How much has it changed their style? And do they still create traditional art?
Lizzy D. Hill (M), Wayne Barlowe, Jeff Sturgeon, Eric L Vargas

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Worldcon 2025: Back Home Again

Evergreen 1 & 2
5–6 p.m.
Tons of fans from the Pacific Northwest attend Worldcon, the World Science Fiction Convention, every year. And yet it has only been held three times in this region: Portland in 1950, Seattle in 1961, and Spokane in 2015. BUT it’s coming back here to Seattle in August 2025! Worldcon members vote on the Hugo Awards and rub shoulders with the best and brightest stars in our field. Come learn how Worldcon operates, find out why you should go, and learn what it will take to make Seattle Worldcon 2025 a success.
Kathy (M)

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Inventing Popular Culture for Fiction

Evergreen 3 & 4
5–6 p.m.
Most SF writers take care to present the broader culture and technology of their fictional futures. What is the media of the future like? What are the sports? A look at the everyday aspects of the future that bring science fiction to life.
Jessie Kwak (M), Eva L. Elasigue, Steven Barnes, Catherynne M. Valente, Evan J. Peterson

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Fun Physics

Maxi’s Ballroom
5–6 p.m.
Science! Well, physics. Morgan Smathers will demonstrate some of the cool physics phenomena she has gathered over her career Limited to 20.
Morgan Smathers (M), Mike Brennan

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Reading: Luke Elliott

Cascade 3
5:30–6 p.m.
Beyond Heaven. What happens when a Mario Bros. speedrunner sells his biodata to a tech startup to create a digital likeness intended to test a virtual afterlife. Rated R.
Luke Elliott (M)

6 p.m. PDT (9 p.m. EDT / 1 a.m. April 20 GMT)

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Reading: Leslie Lutz

Cascade 3
6–6:30 p.m.
Sweetest Darkness. One sentence pitch: When Quinn O’Brien, a teenage clairvoyant, comes into possession of a haunted safe, he unleashes a predatory, inhuman entity that threatens to wipe Gypsum off the map, along with everyone in it. The author might read the scene in which Quinn has to scale a cliff in the dark and there’s something on the cliff with him (ahhh!). Rated PG.
Leslie Lutz (M)

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Doors Open for Masquerade

Grand 2 & 3
6–6:30 p.m.
Come on in and find a seat.

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To Build a Dragon of Oak

Cascade 10
6–7 p.m.
From the felled mighty oaks, cleverly wedge-split, fast ships skimmed the wave before strong winds, How did the people of the North develop and use their extraordinary ships to trade and raid across the Western Hemisphere? Examples of construction techniques will be shown.
Paul Pedersen (M), Alan Andrist, Pat Reed, Ann Shilling

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Equip Your Narrator: Streamlining the Process of Turning Your Novel into an Audiobook!

Cascade 13
6–7 p.m.
There’s a massive amount of preparation required for audiobook production. Anchor your narrator’s performance with the important details. We will discuss pronunciation guides (Are there multiple languages spoken? Are there fake words? How do you say them?) and character lists (Does your MC have a lisp? Does the dragon have a cool accent? Is the love interest’s voice breathy or deep?). These are the two most important pieces of information you can provide your narrator (besides the manuscript) and we will build both together. The class is open to everyone but is tailored toward writers who are in the process of converting their books into audio format.
Sam Stark (M)

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Agency, Disability, and Writing

Cascade 5 & 6
6–7 p.m.
We love characters with agency and independence. But when chronic health problems happen, what new values come into play? How do disabled writers find their power, and maybe write a different kind of character?
John Lovett (M), Stephen Merrill, Jake Yorgason, Caren GS, Laura Cranehill

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Do You Need an Audiobook of Your Book?

Cascade 7 & 8
6–7 p.m.
This panel will explore in depth the process of converting a book into an audiobook.
Stefan Rudnicki (M), Joseph Malik, Rebecca H. Lee, Gary Bennett, Gabrielle de Cuir

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What is a “Person?”

Cascade 9
6–7 p.m.
What are the guidelines/markers? Tool use? (Dolphins and octopi.) Farming? (Ants.) Social norms and communication? (Wolves and bees.) No limits on love? (Bonobos.) Speech and names? (Elephants.) Well, humans have TikTok…we rest our case. But seriously, even Alan Dean Foster asked this in Cachalot
Leigh Harlen (M), Tegan Moore, Robert King, Shiv Ramdas, Darren McKinty, RVT

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Hugo Nomination Announcement

Evergreen 1 & 2
6–7 p.m.
Do you know what a Hugo Award is? Do you know how the nominees are chosen? Do you want to be among the first people to know who is nominated for this year’s award, to be given out at the Seattle Worldcon this summer? Come to this event and find out.
Kathy (M)

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Creating Vocal Harmony in Rounds

Evergreen 3 & 4
6–7 p.m.
Come sing old and new rounds, songs of one to four lines sung at different times all together, to create the simplest type of vocal harmony. No music-reading ability required, and singers of all ranges and abilities are welcome. We will amaze ourselves with awesome sound. Participants will receive a printout of music and lyrics for all the pieces sung.
Cathy McManamon (M), Gareth Davis, Elise Stephens, GregRobin Smith, Leslie Jordan, Karen Eisenbrey

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D&Dprov – Made Up Misadventures!

Maxi’s Lounge
6–7:30 p.m.
A live in-person Dungeons & Dragons-Inspired improv show with comedic adventures where you can influence the story! Enjoy this mix of narrative improv with Dungeons & Dragons. Improvisers play one character for the entire show; assistant improvisers will play all other characters and help the host when needed. The host improviser will guide the story to a satisfying ending. Effect the story by inspiring quests, villains, and chaos!! If you love laughter, fantasy, and improvised magical problem-solving, this is the show for you! Suitable for general audiences. No host bar is available.
Kendall Uyeji , Philip Geurin, Raynee Morris, Grace Lindsley, Aaron Lussier

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Reading: Jessica Rae Bergamino

Cascade 3
6:30–7 p.m.
Girlhood x a Haunting summons the girl sleuth, Nancy Drew. Bergamino’s gorgeous gurlesque poems take the reader on a tour of the horrors of high school, child abuse, and trauma. Bergamino’s book channels one of the old school feminist icons of the genre and empowers readers to navigate and perhaps even survive the true crimes of childhood. “I love this book.” — Claudia Cortese, author of Wasp Queen. Rated G.
Jessica Rae Bergamino (M)

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Grand 2 & 3
6:30–8:30 p.m.
Join us for the highlight event of Saturday evening at the Norwescon 47 Masquerade! Witness our talented contestants showcase their incredible costumes and cosplays. Will your favorites win over the judges? Whether they do or not, you’re guaranteed an unforgettable show. Doors open at 6:00 p.m., with the show starting promptly at 6:30 p.m. Don’t miss out on this dazzling display of creativity and craftsmanship! (Costumers may register for the Masquerade here.)

7 p.m. PDT (10 p.m. EDT / 2 a.m. April 20 GMT)

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Reading: Ed Buchan

Cascade 12
7–7:30 p.m.
Bight of the Lamprey: Outward Bound. We meet Dave Smith as he and his best friend are about to jump from High Endeavour to the asteroid Lonesome Mary. On touching down Odd Eye Reg McGaven says something, causing Dave to have a major religious experience. Dave blankets it and prepares to brine the key equipment down. Rated G
Ed Buchan (M)

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Reading: Andrew Penn Romine

Cascade 3
7–7:30 p.m.
Come join Andrew Penn Romine for a reading. Rated PG.
Andrew Penn Romine (M)

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Basics of Accessible Documents and Websites

Cascade 10
7–8 p.m.
If you’re publishing your authors’ or your own work online, have a promotional website, or use social media, are you making sure that your disabled fans can access everything? Get an overview of digital accessibility concepts, see how assistive technologies like screen readers work, and learn the basics of how to format and check documents and websites so that they can be read by everyone. The future is accessible!
Michael Hanscom (M)

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Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

Cascade 5 & 6
7–8 p.m.
Join our panelists as they pass along the steps they wish they’d taken, advice that came at key moments, and other learned experiences that might just be that pearl of wisdom you’ve been missing.
Laura Anne Gilman (M), Richard Flores IV, K.G. Anderson, Anastasia Wilde, Caitlin Starling

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Landscape of the Fantastic

Cascade 7 & 8
7–8 p.m.
A working knowledge of geography and mapmaking assists one greatly in world-building. Naming a place provides a strong sense of its culture and history. Cultures and powers that made the maps controlled the world, not to mention the structures of religion, politics, and finance. Join us as we discuss how writers can use this tool to improve our work.
G.R. Theron (M), Subodhana Wijeyeratne, Nick Fraser, Joseph Malik, Pat Reed

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Ready, Steady, Flash!

Cascade 9
7–8 p.m.
The panel consists of four authors, plus the host (Lee Harris). The host provides a writing prompt and the authors have five minutes to write a complete short story based on that prompt. Then they read their works of genius to the audience, who vote on the winner. Subsequent writing prompts are given by the audience and there’s usually time for four or five rounds in a 50-minute panel.
Lee Harris (M), Ellis Bray, Richard Sparks, Amy Sundberg, David D. Levine

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The Maiden, the Mother, and the Other One: Images of Older Women in Horror

Evergreen 1 & 2
7–8 p.m.
Over the course of 50 years of Halloween movies, Laurie Strode evolves from final girl to final grandma. One of 2024’s most interesting movies was The Substance, a body horror fable about a fading star and her troubled relationship with her own aging body. Crones, hags, witches and creepy old ladies are horror staples, but older horror heroines are holding their own. What do evolving images of older women in horror tell us about changes in our own society?
Julie McGalliard (M), Isis Asare, Shoshana “Sho” Glick, Kristie Felice, Gwen Callahan

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Artists vs Writers

Evergreen 3 & 4
7–8 p.m.
Watch as writers read descriptions from their books and artists bring those descriptions to life.
Lizzy D. Hill (M), Larry Lewis, Elliott Kay, Eric L Vargas, Brianna Malotke, Tara Campbell

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Let’s Build a Monster

Cascade 13
7–9 p.m.
What’s a game without the fearsome, horrifying monsters, right? Maybe you want to create a big bad to challenge your players or maybe your story needs a scary antagonist for the main character. We’ve got you covered! From concept to game statistics, we’ll walk you through creating your very own fearsome foe and build a monster together as we go.
Meagan Maricle (M), Celeste Conowitch, Logan Bonner, Ron Lundeen, Darrin Drader

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Monster Mash for Mature Mad Scientists

Maxi’s Ballroom
7–9 p.m.
Don your best mad scientist outfit and come create marvelous monsters and chimera! We take cute stuffed animals and hack them to pieces, then reassemble them in wholly unnatural ways. WARNING! Not for the easily distressed or children! We’ll be using scissors and needles, so only mature mad scientists can participate. The only skills required are basic sewing skills (plush is very forgiving), and a sick sense of humor. $5 materials fee per participant to cover the cost of DNA splitters, splicers, and experimental specimens. Signups will open at the info table 24 hours before the panel.
Travis Partington (M), Berlynn Wohl, Natalie Leif

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Reading: Dr. Mark Rounds

Cascade 12
7:30–8 p.m.
This Fine and Pyrrhic Beauty. In the year 1884, Sean O’Herlihy and his comrade, Micheal Flynn, plant a bomb at the headquarters of the Irish special branch of Scotland Yard. The explosion seriously injures Lord Mowbray, chief inspector of the Irish special branch. They escape to Ireland, but Mowbray mobilizes the resources of Scotland Yard. The Irish Republican Brotherhood decide to send Sean and his wife Bridget to Mars to avoid capture. Rated G
Dr. Mark Rounds (M)

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Reading: Evan J. Peterson

Cascade 3
7:30–8 p.m.
Better Living Through Alchemy. The author’s first novel, released in August 2024, is a contemporary urban noir dark fantasy. Rated R.
Evan J. Peterson (M)

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Unexpected Productions: Impossible Loves

Maxi’s Lounge
7:30–9 p.m.
Impossible Loves is a thrilling improvised paranormal romance. Discover this enchanting comedy show that immerses you in a unique supernatural realm. Your suggestions inspire new, captivating love stories that unfold every night, where anyone or anything can fall in love. Enter a world where love transcends all boundaries and indulge in the captivating tales of...Impossible Loves. No host bar is available.
Shannon Bass, Sarah Scheller (Ari), Elijiah Harrison, Tristan Morris, Eliza Furmansky, Tim Harahan

8 p.m. PDT (11 p.m. EDT / 3 a.m. April 20 GMT)

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Reading: Jon Lasser

Cascade 12
8–8:30 p.m.
Come Join Jon Lasser for a reading. Rated G.
Jon Lasser (M)

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Reading: Liz Argall

Cascade 3
8–8:30 p.m.
Join Liz Argall to talk about mental health. Rated PG.
Liz Argall (M)

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Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading

Cascade 10
8–9 p.m.
Join Broad Universe for a fun, fast-paced group reading showcasing the work of women and nonbinary authors who will read short snippets from recent works. Discover new writers, enjoy chocolate and enter a drawing for a book, all while supporting women and nonbinary people working in speculative fiction. Broad Universe is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to expand awareness of and promote women and other underrepresented gender identities in science fiction, fantasy and horror. Learn more at Broad Universe currently requires readers to mask during Broad Universe convention activities.
Marta Murvosh (M), Amanda Cherry, K.G. Anderson, Sam Stark, Sarah Grey

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Way of Thrones Fancasting

Cascade 5 & 6
8–9 p.m.
Brandon Sanderson is probably the biggest author in the genre world whose work exists only in written form. Since Hollywood has not ruined our head cannon yet, there is still time to play casting director of the Cosmere! To keep things interesting we are adding the extra challenge of filling all the roles in The Storm Light Archive with players from HBO’s Game of Thrones. Come join our foray into fanscasting as we cast one of the last great unadapted fantasy book series with ONLY actors from one of the greatest fantasy screen adaptations.
Jack Samm (M), Jake Yorgason, Gina Saucier, Rogue Bonaventura

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Get Paid to Play D&D! (And Other RPGs)

Cascade 7 & 8
8–9 p.m.
“But D&D should be free!” they say. But they are not spending hours upon hours making maps, creating complex plotlines, compiling monsters, and working hard to make sure everyone has a great time, only to have the players bail at the last minute. Charging money for your games compensates you for your time and helps assure your players turn up for every session. Sites such as make it simple to run a huge array of roleplaying games and you set your own price, even to free if you want.
Cheryl Dyson (M)

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Characterization: Pushing Fictional People Beyond Their Limits

Cascade 9
8–9 p.m.
Making a core persona for a character is one thing, but what will the character you’ve created do when pushed to the extreme? Unless they are superhuman, it probably won’t always be the practical or moral choice. What will they do and how will that affect them?
Virginia Black (M), Tom D Wright, V. Franklin, D.L. Solum, David D. Levine

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Down the Witches Road

Evergreen 1 & 2
8–9 p.m.
With its new witch-centric limited series, Agatha All Along, the MCU has brought witches back into the forefront of pop culture. There’s even a catchy theme song! How does it compare to other depictions of witches? What do we want to see next?
Julie McGalliard (M), Kristie Felice, AJ, Michelle Morrell, Liz Coleman

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All Ages Drum Circle

Evergreen 3 & 4
8–9 p.m.
Bring your drum, other rhythm instrument, or borrow one for this all-ages drum circle. After an intro to drum circle etiquette, Cathy will teach basic rhythms and give you space to experiment with your own sound and interact with the sounds of everyone else. Cathy has led drum circles at Life Force Arts in Chicago, Marcon, OVFF, and Musecon, and makes the space safe and fun for everyone. Some small hand percussion instruments are available to borrow if you don’t have your own.
Cathy McManamon (M), Gareth Davis, Eva L. Elasigue

9 p.m. PDT (12 a.m. April 20 EDT / 4 a.m. April 20 GMT)

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Friends of Bill W.

Cascade 3
9–10 p.m.

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Poly 101

Cascade 5 & 6
9–10 p.m.
What does it mean to move beyond monogamy into the complex yet rewarding world of polyamory?
Wm Salt Hale (M), Cathy McManamon, Larry Lewis, Carlos Cabrera, Isis Asare

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Return of the Poetry Thunderdome!

Cascade 7 & 8
9–10 p.m.
Last year, professional poets and audience punters went head-to-head, coming up with on-the-spot poetry to be reckoned by the masses, the winner taking home fabulous prizes and the awe and respect of all. This year, we are doing it again! Or…doing it in a completely different way, but still…there will be bloody verses left behind!
Ellis Bray (M), Sarah Grey, Lydia K. Valentine, Brian U. Garrison, GregRobin Smith

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A Gaggle of Geeks: A Geeky Comedy Showcase

Maxi’s Lounge
9–10:30 p.m.
It’s time to experience the funniest nerds in Seattle! Gaggle of Geeks is a comedy showcase celebrating voices often overlooked in both comedy and geek culture. This funny bunch of comics, who also happen to be nerds, will bring you their best jokes and deepest cuts. Brought to you by Geeky Comedy Seattle.
Valerie Benti, Theresa Flores, Marie Elizabeth, Javann Jones

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Seattle Worldcon 2025: Building a Last Night Party

Presidential Suite 1360
9 p.m.–Midnight
Come to a party hosted by the Seattle Worldcon 2025 team! Meet some of the plotters and planners, hear about what a Worldcon entails, and add your two cents about how to make it a great event. Seattle Worldcon 2025 will be at the Seattle Convention Center August 13-17, 2025. The party will feature apple crisp, cider, mocktails, other snacks, and conversation. You can learn more about the convention and buy a membership at, or by visiting the club table in the lobby.
Kathy (M)

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Open Filk Circle: Saturday Night

Evergreen 3 & 4
9 p.m.–1 a.m.
Filk’s origins were in folk circles at conventions which mutated because of a typo and the sort of people who must enshrine a joke. The rules were simple: In a filk, everything was filk, whether it was a filk song, a popular song, or interpretive dance. Everyone was allowed to perform (or not) and shown respect and simple civility ruled the day. Come with us while we tell you how filk was done (Bardic circle? Poker-Chip Chaos?) and its traditions and in-jokes (What are the Dorsai Irregulars? What’s up with green jello?).
Leslie Jordan (M), Gareth Davis

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The Pan-Galactic Dance Party

Grand 2 & 3
9:30 p.m.–1:30 a.m.
Been wondering what to do with that silver dress, those alien headbands, and the light-up ET rubber hand you’ve got stashed in your costume closet? Looking for an excuse to go to a party as Zaphod Beeblebrox, Buck Rogers, Mork, The Doctor, or Cat? Judy Jetson, Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley, Zoe Washburne or Chiana? Robots! Aliens! All are welcome to spend the last night at Norwescon 47 getting down to the get-down with DJ #CSharp! Send in your song requests now!

11 p.m. PDT (2 a.m. April 20 EDT / 6 a.m. April 20 GMT)

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Lakeside Open Gaming 1st Floor

Rotunda 1
11 p.m.–2 a.m.

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Lakeside Open Gaming 2nd Floor

Rotunda 2
11 p.m.–2 a.m.

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