Norwescon » Norwescon Webmonkeys The Pacific Northwest's Premier Science-Fiction and Fantasy Convention Thu, 18 Apr 2013 20:44:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Norwescon 36 Reactions Sat, 13 Apr 2013 17:33:07 +0000 Norwescon Webmonkeys While we’ve all been taking a couple weeks to rest and recover, we’ve also been keeping an eye out to see what you all have been saying about your time at Norwescon. Here are the links we’ve found so far — and if you know of any that we missed, feel free to let us know!

Blog Posts and Writeups

  • Chooseomatic Books: Norwescon wrapup! “Norwescon is a weird, wonderful convention, people.”
  • Crime and the Forces of Evil: seriously is it wednesday already? “The Saturday night concert set – that was pretty epic.”
  • Dennis R. Upkins: Norwescon Interview “So at Norwescon, Triple J and I had just finished lunch and I was in between panels so we decided to do an impromptu interview.”
  • Diana Pharaoh Francis: Finally, a Norwescon report “I saw some of the masquerade costumes and many were just stunning. I would have loved to go and see more.”
  • Dorkadia: Running 13th Age Demos at Norwescon “The combat was fast and furious, most of the players immediately grasped their class powers in a matter of a single round of combat. The cleric buffed, the barbarian smashed, paladin smote with impunity. Huge success.”
  • Fanboy News Network: Norwescon recap “Ran Cards Against Humanity every night in the Gaming area after it went to uncensored play at 10 PM. Most memorable hand: The question was ‘What is Batman’s guilty pleasure?’ the winning card was ‘dead parents.’”
  • Speculative Friction: Post Norwescon Blues “As usual, the convention rocked. The panels were awesome, the parties were fun and the crowds were awe inspiring. [...] It’s a great con with lots of great people and perks.”
  • Out of the Mouths of Gamers’ Babes: Ambassador to the Norms “There are always fabulous outfits at these things, and this year was no exception. I saw a realistic Xena and a tiny Rainbow Brite, and a giant Totoro, and the YipYip Martians were back. But there was one costume that I felt was so perfectly done it deserved special mention.”
  • Geek’s Dream Girl: Pointers for Panel Audiences “I had a whirlwind Norwescon this year, moderating panels and a Q&A with Lee Moyer. It was my first time moderating at a con, and my first time doing a live Q&A interview.”
  • Geek Girls Rule!: Podcast #34 — Norwescon Wrap Up! “Ok, so I did Norwescon this last weekend. And this podcast talks about how it went, how much fun I had, and one or two little road bumps that were all me. So, I hope you enjoy it.”
  • GeekyLibrary: Norwescon 36 “I had never been to a science fiction convention — there I said it — before this past weekend. I’m a little sad about that, I had no idea what I was missing.”
  • Heroines of Fantasy: Norwescon, Seattle “…in the end I would say my experience was a qualified success. The con is GREAT with something for everyone. It has a long history and supports local writers. I will be back.”
  • Iron Head Jane: NorWesCon, Dragonlance, and the Awesomeness of Fan-generated Media “If there’s one thing that I have taken away from NorWesCon this weekend, it is that fan fiction and fan art is legitimate and important, and should not be minimized.”
  • Jay Lake: Still at Norwescon: fell on my face, must be having fun “My reading yesterday was Standing Room Only. That was fun. I’ve seen a lot of old friends and new and had some really good conversations.”
  • Jay Lake: Norwescon and me “Yesterday was a good day. Hugo nominations, yay! Plus lots of time with friends and associates and whatnot.”
  • Kevin J. Anderson’s Blog: HELLHOLE AWAKENING–Seattle, Norwescon, and Atlanta “Normally, I wouldn’t consider working the weekend as a guest speaker and panelist at a major science fiction convention to be the RELAXING part of the tour, but it was great just to stay in one place for a couple of days, unpack my suitcase, sleep in the same bed.”
  • Mark Andrew Edwards: Norwescon 36 review “Some years, you have a really great Con. This was one of the better ones for me.”
  • Michael Tinker Pearce and Linda Pearce: Norwescon- Survived. Barely. “All in all we reconnected with old friends, met some fantastic new ones and certainly did our budding career as writers no harm.”
  • Off the Written Path: Norwescon: Roses, Onions, and Assorted Vegetation “Each year I know more people at Norwescon, and each year I make more friends and strengthen previous ones. [...] If I ever leave Seattle, I think the writing and fan community would be the thing I miss the most.”
  • Red Harp Arts: Norwescon “I spent nearly all of this beautiful, Spring weekend indoors at Norwescon. [...] There were lots of interesting panels, many people in excellent costumes and a bit of good shopping.”
  • Pharyngula: How I spent the last few days “People give me weird looks when I say I’m going to a con as a scientist/educator — but really, this is another example of stepping out of our comfort zones and reaching out to a different population of people…and SF people are a very receptive audience for science talks.”
  • Seattle Geeky Girls: Seattle Geeky Girls Visits Norwescon 36 “From the moment we entered, we felt that we were home. There were many familiar faces as well as many new ones.”
  • Suvudu: Norwescon 36 Video: Terry Brooks “While at Norwescon 36 in Seattle, WA last weekend, Terry Brooks sat down with Pierce Watters and talked about [the beginning of the Shanarra series].”
  • Suburban Fantasy and Science Fiction: Norwescon I “I went to Norwescon in Seattle again this year.”
  • Suburban Fantasy and Science Fiction: Norwescon II “Catherine Asaro, among other things, is a chemical physicist, a rock singer, a dance instructor, and a member of a think tank that advises the government on national security. I attended a mini-concert of hers at the convention.”
  • Schrodinger’s Stories: Notes from NorWesCon: Big Press, Small Press, or Self-Publishing? Where to Publish Your Book “I had a great time at NorWesCon 2013, and took copious notes of all of the panels I attended. Over the next few weeks, I’ll let you know what I found out.”
  • Schrodinger’s Stories: Notes from NorWesCon: What to Look for in a Small Press “This year’s NorWesCon featured a lot of panels that included representatives from regional small presses. With the rise of e-publishing, the role of the small press has also changed. Here are the points I took from these discussions.”
  • Missing Worlds Media – The Phoenix Project: The Phoenix Project Update: Monday, April 1, 2013 “Obviously, the biggest event for us was our first ever panel which took place on Friday at the Seattle-based convention. We’re grateful to everyone who came along to spend some time with us and to find out more about what we’re trying to do.”
  • These Other Realms: Norwescon 36 – Masquerade! Workshops! Awards! “I had the pleasure of attending Norwescon 36 in the Sea-Tac area of Washington state, a spare 30 minute drive from my home. It was great to discover such a rich and varied convention for fans of science fiction and fantasy right under my nose!”
  • ars ludi: Norwescon 2013: GMless RPG talk “…imagine me standing in front of a room full of people, talking about GMless role-playing games for an hour. Too hard? No problem! Like magic you can just listen in as though you were there….”
  • Jeremy Zimmerman: Norwescon 2013: After Action Report “All told, I had an awesome time. The volume of things to sit in and hear about was awesome, and I constantly ran into people I know that I felt comfortable around. Really the best fan convention I’ve been to this year.”


Official photos by the Norwescon photography team should start appearing soon — keep an eye out on our official Flickr page!


And finally, here is a YouTube playlist of Norwescon 36 videos! We’ve found ten videos so far, and we’ll add more to the playlist as we come across them.

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Norwescon on Twitter Thu, 05 Apr 2012 15:00:13 +0000 Norwescon Webmonkeys Since we’re going to be a teensy bit busy keeping the convention going this weekend to update the blog, here’s a peek at what all of you are saying about this year’s fun! This listing is pulled from a search for our official hashtag, #nwc35, plus our music track’s #nwcmusic hashtag and norwescon. Con attendees can also keep an eye on Twitter conversations through our Guidebook app!

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Dances and Google+ Sun, 13 Nov 2011 23:29:27 +0000 Norwescon Webmonkeys Two updates in the world of Norwescon 35 have manifested recently.

Update #1: We’ve just updated the information on our Dances page, with themes for each of the four — yes four — dances, and a request form so you can submit your requests to the DJ nice and early!

Update #2: Norwescon is now on Google+! If you’re a part of the newest social network to aspire to the social networking throne, stop by and add us to your circles!

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Writers’ Workshop and Dealers’ Room Info Posted Mon, 03 Oct 2011 17:24:11 +0000 Norwescon Webmonkeys Over the weekend, two new pages went live!

Writer’s Workshop: The Fairwood Writers are pleased to sponsor the writing workshop for Norwescon 35. We accept both short stories and novel excerpts to be critiqued by professional writers. More information and submission instructions are now available!

Dealers’ Room: Home to all the finest sci-fi and fantasy merchandise every year! Guidelines and application info for prospective dealers are also now available!

We also recently added a signup form for GMs who would like to run games during our scheduled gaming hours. If you’d like to run a game or three, head on over to the Gaming page for more information and a link to the signup form!

Much more to come, we promise!

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We are live! Thu, 02 Jun 2011 00:50:01 +0000 Norwescon Webmonkeys lot of information yet to come! In the coming days, weeks, and months, we'll have announcements of additional Guests of Honor, exciting events, and all the other good stuff you've come to expect over the years. Though it seems far away now, it won't be long at all until we kick off our thirty-fifth year!]]> And with that flip of the switch, the Norwescon 35 website is live!

While we’ve done everything we can to have a lot of information ready, it’s still nearly a year until Norwescon 35 rolls around, so there’s still a lot of information yet to come! In the coming days, weeks, and months, we’ll have announcements of additional Guests of Honor, exciting events, and all the other good stuff you’ve come to expect over the years. Though it seems far away now, it won’t be long at all until we kick off our thirty-fifth year!

In the meantime, don’t miss out on any announcements! Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, or sign up for our eNewsletter or Google Group.

Feel like reliving memories of Norwescon past? Check out our photo and video archives.

Looking to connect with your fellow convention attendees more often than once a year? Stop by our forums or check in with the LiveJournal community.

With all this to keep you busy, Norwescon 35 will be just around the corner!

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