Comments on: New Year Updates The Pacific Northwest's Premier Science-Fiction and Fantasy Convention Mon, 15 Apr 2013 22:29:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Hanscom Michael Hanscom Sun, 08 Jan 2012 22:39:06 +0000 Hi Linnell,

We’re glad you found us! I’ll pass your question on within the organizing committee, someone should be able to get back to you soon. Thanks much, and if you do decide to come by, we hope you enjoy your time at Norwescon!

By: Linell Jeppsen Linell Jeppsen Sun, 08 Jan 2012 22:24:08 +0000 Hi. My name is Linell Jeppsen, author of The Hunt, and my new novel, Story Time, a post-apocalyptic SF novel, which has recently been nominated as the best read of 2011 by the reviewers panel of the PRG. I’m seriously considering coming to the convention. I would like to hear the speakers, the music, and see the newest sights in the field of science fiction. I would also enjoy the opportunity to sell some of my books. Is it alright to set up a table at the convention, and if so, is there a person, or group I need to contact? Thank you for your time and attention in this matter. Linell Jeppsen
