Comments on: Norwescon 36 Room Cancellation Policy The Pacific Northwest's Premier Science-Fiction and Fantasy Convention Mon, 15 Apr 2013 22:29:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Hanscom Michael Hanscom Mon, 09 Apr 2012 18:26:20 +0000 Whoops! Thanks for catching that, Lisa, I’ve updated the post to say Sunday, April 15th.

By: Alex Kiwerski Alex Kiwerski Mon, 09 Apr 2012 18:18:07 +0000 A downside of this change is that it will cut out a (not so small) segment of the fandom that save their money over the course of months in order to afford their hotel room at the convention and cannot afford to part with the $120+ for the “one-night deposit” up front.

You state that the rooms that get cancelled are not returned to the room block, the hotel marks them up instead by 40% and then complains that they can’t fill them. If they simply returned them to the room block maybe they wouldn’t have this problem.

Why do they need to charge deposits in order to make this happen? People every year are looking for a room at the convention at the last minute and get turned away. The rooms could be filled easily if they didn’t mark them up when they are cancelled (and cancelled in compliance with their regular cancellation policy, no less).

By: Lisa Satterlund Lisa Satterlund Mon, 09 Apr 2012 00:32:23 +0000 Since when is April 13th a Sunday? My calendar says it’s a Friday.

By: Blaine Burgess Blaine Burgess Fri, 17 Feb 2012 23:15:27 +0000 So I reserve my room and just before con my son or daughter has to go to the hospital and I cannot make it, you keep my $120.00 and say thanks for 20 years of patronage? Nice! Another example is groups like ours that utilize 20+ rooms have to shell out $2400.00 plus Uncle Sams cut 6 months before the convention during a recession? Somehow I think there is a solution without punishing your patrons.

Blaine Burgess

By: Tamara Tamara Fri, 17 Feb 2012 00:00:46 +0000 Dear Mr. Black: Thank you very much for assisting in the running of NorWesCon. But the fact remains that since this is the first year of this new system you have absolutely no idea how fast the reservations will go, so the only way to guarantee myself a room in the Doubletree for next year is to make my reservation on Sunday. I have limited mobility and in practical terms cannot stay in any other hotel and still enjoy my convention (I’ve tried) — so you’re reassurance of an “excellent chance” of getting a room at the 90-day-out mark doesn’t exactly cut it for me. I’ve been attending NorWesCon for over 20 years, I have never ghosted and I would never cancel a hotel reservation without a genuine emergency being involved. I’m not mad at the con or anybody else (and obviously there’s nothing personal about a policy change) — I just can’t help but get frustrated whenever I feel like I am, yet again, being punished for the irresponsible actions of other people.

By: Kevin Black (Norwescon 35 Hotel Liaison) Kevin Black (Norwescon 35 Hotel Liaison) Sun, 12 Feb 2012 23:47:22 +0000 Jazilee,

Handicap rooms are available from the hotel on a first come, first serve basis. You will be pleased to know that the Doubletree has just completed a renovation which added additional accessible rooms in the tower.

By: Jazilee Jazilee Mon, 30 Jan 2012 03:04:47 +0000 From what I have always been told – in previous years I have even been told I was placed onto it – that there is an actual waiting list of people who are waiting for cancellations to get into the NorWes Con reservation block.

I know with me and my family(and friends) between us we have 3 rooms reserved – and back-up people in line to take them if we can not take them.

perhaps if a policy was made to get the Con rate people reserved through the Con Hotel Liaison – then cancelled through them also – a waiting list could work with a shorter grace period of 45 days? But that would mean more work for our poor Liaison staff – ( I would volunteer to set up and run the list for NorWesCon 36 and beyond if needed – I have been looking for some new volunteer opportunities)

Also – how does this affect the people like myself who need the handicap accessible rooms? there is a HUGE demand for them but very FEW of them available?

By: Bill Brown Bill Brown Sun, 29 Jan 2012 03:54:11 +0000 “This year, the room block for Norwescon 36 in 2013 will be open on the last day of Norwescon 35, which is Sunday, April 7, 2012.” Sunday is April 8. I’m sure this is all over & done but the shouting, but with regards to ‘if we cut off the grace period at 45 days, there would only be 24 days to get the canceled rooms into the hands of other members’, I have to wonder: with almost everyone seemingly living connectedly minute to minute on their smartphones, and with your regular emails, why do you consider three-plus weeks too short a time for getting canceled rooms back to attendees?

By: Kevin Black (Norwescon 35 Hotel Liaison) Kevin Black (Norwescon 35 Hotel Liaison) Fri, 06 Jan 2012 05:35:33 +0000 Krisha, I received the following response from the hotel:

I spoke with David and to answer the question below – there would be a charge if they altered their arrival date after the cancellation period. If they shortened their stay there would be no charge but if they changed the arrival date to come in later then they would be charged for that night like a cancellation. So if they had a reservation for Thursday – Sunday and they decided after the 90 days they wanted to check out on Saturday there would be no charge / penalty. If they made a reservation for Thursday – Sunday and then after the 90 days expired decided to arrive on Friday they would be charged for that Thursday night as it would be considered canceling a night.

Me again: I asked a follow up and this is apparently a limitation of their reservation software.

By: Kristin Kristin Thu, 05 Jan 2012 23:54:51 +0000 Thanks so much for your help in getting my reservation fixed– and over the holiday’s!
