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Fri, 06 May 2011 22:34:04 +0000hourly1http://wordpress.org/?v=4.0By: Scott Givens
Tue, 29 Mar 2011 06:16:28 +0000http://www.norwescon.org/?p=67#comment-47I wonder why the “first” Norwescon is the 1985 one?
The 8th World SF Convention was held in Portland by the PSFS and was called Norwescon–and that was in 1950! Also, I seem to have in my files somewhere indications that there had already been one or two Norwescon’s before that.
]]>By: Renee Seiner
Wed, 16 Feb 2011 00:42:37 +0000http://www.norwescon.org/?p=67#comment-7In reading this, I just realized, that this was the very first Science Fiction Convention I ever attended. I was 19 and so excited and I still remember to this day, at the Luncheon with Theodore Sturgeon, him talking about the meaning of the symbol that he wore around his neck. “Ask the Next Question”. What a memory…….
]]>By: Kenneth Keith
Thu, 04 Nov 2010 07:38:43 +0000http://www.norwescon.org/?p=67#comment-6I wonder how many of us who attended are still around.