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Comments on: Stuffing Party Announced http://www.norwescon.org/archives/norwescon34/2011/02/24/stuffing-party-announced/ Fri, 06 May 2011 22:34:04 +0000 hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.0 By: admin http://www.norwescon.org/archives/norwescon34/2011/02/24/stuffing-party-announced/comment-page-1/#comment-83 Sat, 16 Apr 2011 17:32:58 +0000 http://www.norwescon.org/?p=107#comment-83 Hi Thomas,

I’ve passed your question on, you should get a direct response soon. Thanks very much!

By: thomas atwell http://www.norwescon.org/archives/norwescon34/2011/02/24/stuffing-party-announced/comment-page-1/#comment-77 Wed, 13 Apr 2011 01:21:23 +0000 http://www.norwescon.org/?p=107#comment-77 Hi there!

I just wanted to see if i could bring about a hundred or so of my band’s CD?We’re getting bigger in the local steampunk community,and this would be an excellent way to reach out to other people with our music.

Thank you!

Thomas F Atwell IV

