Convention preparation. Packet stuffing party.
Programming director consults Chairman Tracy prior to the
P.K. Dick Awards.
Charlie, Tracy, and Jeanine polish last minute details.
That well known comedy duo. Gordon van Gelder and William Sadorous.
Jay Lake stands in.
PK Nominee Andrea Hairston.
PK Nominee Tony Ballantyne.
At the PK Dick awards.
At the PK Dick awards.
Pirates in the convention lobby at the convention.
Kata during Saturday morning karate.
Author Margaret Bonham displays her wild karate skills.
Yip yip aliens show us their moves at the dance.
In the hotel lobby.
Remember this as the day you almost met Capt. Jack Sparrow.
PK Nominee Andrea Hairston .
Michael Citrak prepares for the masquerade.
At the PK Dick awards.
At the PK Dick awards.
Pirates in the convention lobby at the convention.
Vader makes another convert in the hotel lobby.
Programming assistant Lori Edwards at the P.K. Dick awards.
Yes, despite all the costumes, people do buy books.
Keith Johnson, sound man extraordinaire, preps for the
Richard Steven vamps with Tracy at closing ceremonies.