Norwescon Rules for Minors Children under 13 must, at all times, be in the care of a responsible adult (18 or Older) WHO IS A MEMBER OF THE CONVENTION. The child must be accompanied by the adult at all times. Children under 18 years of age must have a permission slip on file with Registration (See Section Below) signed by a parent or legal guardian and must be under the supervision of a responsible adult (18 or Older) who is also on the convention site at all times and A MEMBER OF THE CONVENTION. I, _______________________________
as parent or legal guardian of I am a member of Norwescon. I am unable to attend the convention and do hereby appoint: __________________________________ as my childs adult supervisor for the duration of the convention. This person is a legal adult over the age of 18 and is member # _______ of Norwescon. Parent/Guardian/Supervisor can be reached at: Hotel Name: ___________________________ Room # __________ Home Phone# (____) ______________ Emergency Phone # (____) _______________
Signature: ___________________________________ Date _________ |