SUN 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 SUN
Cascade 1 Fanzine Library and Norwescon Museum will be open from 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM   Cascade 1
Cascade 5     COTI Day 3 Alpha - Culture Horror RPG  Richard's Panel Masquerade Stagecraft What Have Conventions Become Masquerade Onions & Roses   Cascade 5
Cascade 6     COTI Day 3 Beta - Culture Best of Masquerade Robert Heinlein    SWOC - ConComCon - NASFIC - Calgary 2005 Cascade 6
Cascade 7     Fanzines Still Exist? Next Best Step Into Space Cover Art Casting Small Props Norwescon: The Poem OZ Costume Super Hero Costumes Dinosaur a l'orange    Gaming Cascade 7
Cascade 8     Search for the Philosophers Stone Without a Sewing Machine   Pirate Costumes Celtic Dance Class Celtic Jam Session     Cascade 8
Cascade 13     Death & Resurrection Oils to Canvas The Art of Oragami Creating Ribbon Roses Blinks & Bleeps in Costuming Blinks & Bleeps in Costuming II Psychic Drawings   Cascade 13
Evergreen 1   Bring in the Clones GOH Interview: Brom COTI : Main Contact From the Works of Dr. James C. Glass An Ill Wind   Norwescon 25: Onions & Roses Norwescon 25 Closing Ceremonies Dance Lounging Area   Evergreen 1
Evergreen 2 Evergreen 2
Evergreen 3 The Most Disturbing Films Ever Video Editing for a Better Tomorrow Movie Previews The Fandance Film Festival Good Ideas into Bad TV & Movies SF in Animation   Sunday Dance   Evergreen 3
Evergreen 4 Evergreen 4
Olympic 1 Order of St. Chiros - Easter Church Service   Reading: Robin Hess/TBA Reading: TBA/TBA Reading: B. Taylor/P. MacEwen Reading: T. Hopp/TBA Reading: j. hoverson/TBA   Olympic 1
Olympic 2   Someone Just Teach Me Writing With a Bang or a Whimper? New Head of NASA Cyborg Prospects How to Draw a Horse Space Tourism   Olympic 2
Olympic 3 Entering Shared Worlds Wreck a Writing Career Fantasy on the WWW There's SF in My . . .    Olympic 3
Grand Ballroom 2   Tai Chi   Art Show and MZB Charity (NW Harvest) Auction   Grand Ballroom 2
Grand Ballroom 3   Medieval History Faire & Fight Demo   Grand Ballroom 3
Salon   RPGA WoD:  White Wolf's World   Salon
Suite           Suite
Art Show   The Art Show will be Open from 9:00 AM until 11:00 AM   Closed for the Norwescon 25 Art Auction and MZB Charity (Northwest Harvest) Auction The Art Show will be open from 4:00 PM until 6:00 PM   Art Show
Dealers   The Dealers Room will be Open from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM   Dealers
KidKon   KidKon will be Open from Noon until 4:00 PM   KidKon
Hospitality Cascade 11   Hospitality will be Open from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM OPEN Wizard of Oz on the Dark Side of the Moon Gas Planet Closed for Cleaning from 4:00 PM until 6:00 PM Dead Sasquatch Pajama Party and Spring Rites CLOSED STILL CLOSED - GO HOME! Hospitality
Hospitality Cascade 12 Eggstrodinary OPEN Hospitality
SUN 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 SUN
  Green Highlight  =  Filmed Panels Warning to Parents: Red Lettering Indicates Mature Content Readings will be 30 minutes.  Readers are listed in the order of their reading.