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Norwescon is a large regional Science Fiction and Fantasy convention in
Washington State. Held over the March 28 to March 31, 2002, weekend, Norwescon will
attract over 100 professional guests and 2500 fans to the Seattle-Tacoma area.

Guests of Honor
Jack Vance:
Andrew I. Porter:
Dr. James Glass
Scott Corwin and Sheila Lenkman:
Costuming Guests of Honor
Roger S. Baum:
Special Guest of Honor
WotC Publishing:
Spotlighted Publisher
Other Panel Participants


Our theme: In the land of the Emerald City

Due to the sudden, terminal illness of a close family friend, Special Guest Roger S. Baum will not arrive at the convention until Friday evening. He will be busy with many programming events on Saturday, including both Autograph Sessions.

Additional Registration Training Classes

For those people who are interested in working with Norwescon registration, but were unable to attend the training session on March 17, two more training sessions are scheduled just before the convention:

Wednesday March 27: 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm Thursday March 28: 9:00 am - 11:30 am

These hours are for training only. We will not be open for business. Norwescon registration and pre registration pick-up will begin at noon on Thursday.

We encourage potential registration volunteers to attend training if possible, but it is not a requirement to work registration. We will also provide on-the-job training as needed.

Best regards,
Eric Weber
Registrar of Norwescon

Do You Need Assistance at the Con?

Hey everyone!

My name is Patrick M. Nash and I am the A.D.A. Liaison for Norwescon. I have some news for those in need that I think could be helpful.

This year we have ASL Interpreter, Steven Spencer, He has agreed to assist us for Norwescon. He will sign at the Opening and closing ceremonies, and the Masquerade. He also will be on call to assist those in need.

The Doubletree has some kits available for use. They include:

Fire/phone strobe
Pillow vibrator for phone and alarm clock
TTY keyboard
Volume control for phone

If you are going to room at the Doubletree, please make your requests
when you register. They have also coordinated, through an outside provider, rental of
wheelchairs and electric scooters. If you have mobility issues, you may
want to consider renting one of these. To arrange rentals through the
hotel, contact John Nelson, guest services at (206) 246-8600 Ext. 4334
after 2:00 pm. Rentals at the convention may be possible, but to assure
you get what you need, you should call ahead. Rental price for a
standard wheelchair is $15 per day, and scooter rentals are $50-60 per
day. Delivery fee is $25.

If you have other issues we can help with contact me through the
Norwescon web page, Americans with Disabilities Act information and
assistance. ada

Patrick M. Nash
A.D.A. Liaison and Information

Single Day Rates Announced

The Pre-pay cut off is now in effect. At the door Pricing will be $60. We look forward to seeing you at the convention.

Single Day Memberships will be as follows:

Thursday $30.00
Friday $35.00
Saturday $35.00
Sunday $30.00

New Science Guest of Honor

Dr. Phil Plait called last week to sadly decline our invitation. He is currently working on a project for NASA and the deadline for completion was moved up to the end of March. He is very disappointed and hopes to attend a future Norwescon. It is something the Norwescon committee hopes as well.

Dr. James Glass has graciously agreed to step in and take the role of Norwescon 25 Science Guest of Honor, a roll he is imminently qualified to fill. Please give him a warm welcome when you see him at the con.

Bob Grieve,
Programming Director

You Can Get Two-for-One with Transportation

Do you want to help the con but don't want to miss any of it? The Transportation department moves everything the con needs before the con happens, and then moves it back afterwards. That means that you can do your part to help the con and also have more time to actually attend the convention. What makes this better yet is that volunteer hours worked for move-in and move-out count double!

Move-in begins at 10am on Wednesday, March 27, and lasts until early evening. Move-out begins after Closing Ceremonies on Sunday and lasts until evening, and then picks up Monday morning at 10 until we are finished in the afternoon.

The majority of the items are light enough to be moved by almost anyone, so you don't need to be built like a pro wrestler to join Transportation.

If interested, send email to: transportation

You're Invited to a Party!

The Norwescon Stuffing Party will be held Sunday, March 24 at the SeaTac DoubleTree Hotel at 1 p.m. The room should be Olympic 4- double-check on the daily meeting boards throughout the hotel. Please join us for fun and games as we attempt to set a new Norwescon record as we take pieces of paper, paperback books, buttons and coupons and marry them together to form the packets that everybody receives at Registration.The more people we have, the faster it will go. Be the first in your neighborhood to see what sort of goodies everyone will receive. Cop a button or two advertising the next big movie. We might even have the latest programming grids on the wall for your perusal. If you have something to include in the packets, please be at the hotel at noon. People that wish to include fliers or coupons are asked to help with the stuffing. In the past, those that have brought material in late usually ended up in a corner of the room adding their materials to the packets that have already been stuffed. Not nearly as much fun as being in the conga line of stuffers. We plan to stuff 3000 packets, so plan accordingly. If you intend to bring material, please contact transportation and let them know what you are bringing.

Working at the stuffing party counts towards hours worked at the con. Norwescon volunteers receive perks like early seating at the Masquerade and are entered into drawings for many items donated by Norwescon dealers. The drawings take place early Sunday afternoon of the con.

Please note: People attending the Stuffing Party will have to pay for their own parking. This year, we have had to pay $4 per car for our meetings at the hotel. We'll see if we can get it even cheaper for this event, however carpooling is advised.

It is my pleasure to announce the Roger S. Baum, great-grandson of L. Frank Baum, will be our very special guest at Norwescon 25. Since our theme is "In the land of the Emerald City," this is especially appropriate. Mr. Baum has written several book in the Oz universe and is about the nicest person one would wish to meet.

Robert J. Grieve
Programming Director
Norwescon 25

There is now a list of additional panel participants that will share their knowledge and wisdom with those coming to Norwescon 25.


Contact Information:

Norwescon 25
PO Box 68547
Seattle, WA 98168-0547
Email: info


March 21, 2002

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For information about other Conventions
in the Northwest check out Northwest Cons