Norwescon 25 Art Show
Policies and Procedures


Download the Norwescon 25 Art Show Form
Download the Norwescon Pre-Reg Form for Artists

Each artist or agent must have a membership to Norwescon to be eligible to show art in the Art Show. If the artist or agent does not have a PRO (guest of convention), GUEST OF PRO, LIFETIME MEMBER, DEALER'S ROOM or STAFF membership the attending artist or agent must purchase a membership for $35. A NON-ATTENDING art show membership is $25. The attending and non-attending art show memberships do not include the first panel in the art show. A membership registration form must accompany the application. Payment and social security number must be included with the applications.

All Artists will receive a confirmation package. Please check upon receipt to ensure all information is correct and notify the Art Show Management if corrections are necessary. Norwescon assumes no responsibility for incorrect information. If you do not receive a confirmation package, please contact the Art Show Management prior to Norwescon set up, March 19, 2001.


" Panels are 4' x 4' pegboard. Table spaces are 2 ½' x 3'.
" First panel/table space is $10.
" Additional panels/tables can be purchased at the additional rates of $15.00 for the second panel and $25.00 for the third. All panel/table purchases over two are at the discretion of the Art Show Management and availability of panels/tables.
" Display space is non-transferable.
" Reserved panels and table space will be held no later then noon on Friday unless prior arrangements have been made with the Art Show Management.
" Space reservations must be accompanied with full payment of membership.


" The Art Show will be open to the general public and will be viewed by those that are under the age of 21. The Art Show Management reserves the right to refuse or remove artwork for administrative reasons.
" U.S. Copyright laws must be complied with. Copyrighted characters (other than your own) may be displayed but must be marked NFS (Not For Sale) unless you can provide us with proof of copyright holder's permission.
" Only Artists or their agents may enter artwork in the show. Agents will be asked to provide written authorization from the artist(s) they represent. No dealers or resale art will be permitted.
" All art must be display ready-Clearly labeled on the reverse with its title and the artist's name. Flat art should be matted and or framed with a suitable hanging device attached. The Art Show is not responsible for damage caused to art by inappropriate hanging devices.
" Once a piece or art is entered in the show, it may NOT be withdrawn nor may the conditions of the sale be altered except by the Art Show Management.
" The Art Show will charge a 15% commission on all sales.
" Sales tax will be charged on all sales.
" Social Security Number must be provided with reservations. Any necessary reporting of sales over amount of $600 will be done as required by the IRS.
" All artwork (not in the print shop) will have a bid sheet issued listing the artist's name, title of the work, media used, minimum bid/direct sale price, and inventory number. A potential buyer will list their name, bidder number and price they are offering. Bidding will close Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m.


" Mail in artwork is limited to Non-Attending artists.
" Art must be sent either UPS or US Mail.
" There is a $15.00 handling fee for all mail in art.
" Items must arrive in a reusable container, with appropriate packaging materials, a return address label, a check for the amount for return postage or shipping, and insurance (if requested). Any information regarding return insurance or carrier to be used for return shipping should also be provided.
" The mailing address for the artwork will be included in a later mailing IF you check the mail-in line on the reservation form.
" The Art Show assumes no responsibility for artwork during shipping. However, we will make every attempt to make sure that artwork is properly packed.
" We anticipate having all mail in art returned within three weeks of the close of Norwescon.


" Sales will be by Written Bid, Direct Sale or Voice Auction.
" All art may be entered NFS (Not For Sale).
" Only Original Art, Fine Art prints and Hand-Colored prints (see definitions below) may be made available for written bid and/or direct sale. If you choose both options, be aware that any valid written bid disallows direct sale.
" Three written bids will put a piece in the voice auction on Sunday.
" If no higher bidding is received at auction, the artwork will be deemed purchased by the last listed person on the bid sheet.
" There will be no special post auction prices, however you will have the option of allowing artwork with no written bids to be sold in the Art Show at the minimum bid during and after the auction.


" All prints that are not Fine Art or Hand-Colored must be sold at Direct Sale only (see definition below).
" Prints that are the only copy for sale at the Art Show need a Direct Sale tag.
" Multiple copies of prints may be sold through the Print Shop (see below).


" A Print Shop will be available for all artists who have reserved panel space.
" Each artist will be limited to 20 pieces at any one time in the print shop. Multiple copies of the same print count as one.
" The Print Shop will be subject to the following conditions:
" The artwork in the Print Shop will not carry bid sheets, but will be sold at any time during the operating hours of the art show.
" For each different print you place in the Print Shop, there must be a representation of it on you panel or table space.
" The display copy can be Original Art, Hand-Colored print, a framed copy of the print or a matted copy.
" Each copy will need a Print Shop Tag.
" If the display copy is not a print, it will also need an Original Art tag as well as a Print Shop tag.
" If the Display copy of the print is framed and/or matted and the Print Shop copies are not, the display copy may be sold at a different price.
" All art should be wrapped for protection.
" If your are unable to mat or shrink-wrap your additional copies for the Print Shop, we would appreciate some sort of sturdy folder with the Artist's name and Print titles on it. The folder should be large enough so that the edges and corners of the prints are not exposed to being dog-eared.


" A panel of judges, selected by Norwescon, will determine winners of various awards and or ribbons. The winners will also be recognized in the Norwescon Post Con Report.
" There will also be an award/ribbon presented based on the votes of Norwescon attendees.


" A Fine Art print is a piece created using a method by which you have made the plate(s) or screen(s) and pulled the prints primarily by hand. Some examples: woodcut, block prints, etching, dry point, engraving, serigraphs (silk-screening) and lithographs (not to be confused with litho-prints).

" Other types of reproductions such as laser-prints, photo-prints, Xerox and litho-prints (or photo-offset lithography) do not qualify as Fine Art prints and may be sold only via Direct Sale or the Print Shop.


The Art Show will be accepting cash, checks, Travelers checks and credit cards for the purchase of artwork. All monies will need to clear prior to the issuing of a check to the artist. We will attempt to have all checks issue within six weeks of the close of Norwescon.

The deadline for reservations is February 28, 2002

If you have any additional questions I can be reached by email at or by phone if necessary in the evenings at (360) 653-5963, please no calls after 9:00pm.

Thank You,
Tiffany Putman
Norwescon Art Show