Norwescon GoH (Guest of Honor)
Nomination Form
I would like to nominate the following people for the below GoH categories.
I understand that their placement on the potential list of GoH candidates will be contingent to meeting the qualifications for the given category. Requirements for each GoH category is provided on the reverse side of this form.
Writer Guest of Honor:
Artist Guest of Honor:
Science Guest of Honor:
Fan Guest of Honor:
Please return this form to Judith Herman, Norwescon Program Chair, 7415 5th Ave. NE #105, Seattle, WA 98115 or send nominations via e-mail,
Norwescon GoH (Guest of Honor)
Category Qualifications
Each nominee for a GoH category must meet the following requirements in order to be considered by the GoH search committee.
Writer GoH - To be nominated for this category, a writer must have been published in the Science Fiction/Fantasy field for a MINIMUM of 10 years. They also must have won a significant award, such as the Hugo, Nebula or Philip K. Dick award.
Artist GoH - To be nominated for this category, an artist must be recognized in the world art Science Fiction/Fantasy community, have been published (either book covers, posters, game cards, etc.) and won a significant award, such as the Chesley.
Science GoH - To be nominated for this category, a scientist must be recognized in the world scientific community, have been published (scientific papers or doctoral thesis) and have meritorious standing in the scientific/academic community. This usually means they have won awards or been awarded a doctorate.
FAN GoH--To be nominated for this category, a fan must be recognized as a long standing contributor to the Sf/F world community. This person is almost always from an area or community other than the Northwest and would be someone who has not usually been able to attend Norwescon in the past. This selection is used to bring well-known fans from other areas of the country to honor them for their contribution to fandom as a whole. Norwescon does not always have a Fan GoH.