Wanted: Your memories!

While most of our attention is focused on this year’s Norwescon 39, we are also starting to look forward to next year’s Norwescon 40 — and we’d like your help with one of our ideas, especially if you’ve been attending Norwescon for a long time.

Norwescon 38 PostCon Report

Norwescon had a good year this year. Thanks to the popularity of our GoHs, we drew in a large number of new members, while still keeping costs under control. We ended with a surplus, which goes into our reserves to be used for years when we run at a loss.

September ConCom Meeting

NWC39 September ConCom

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? September’s Norwescon 39 planning meeting will be held Saturday, September 19th, 2015.

Norwescon 39 Poster

It’s here! Our first poster for Norwescon 39! Download it, print it out, and post it anywhere and everywhere you can! Well, anywhere and everywhere you can that won’t get you or us in trouble, of course.

Norwescon 38 Wrap-Up

The final Norwescon 38 ConCom meeting has been held, and we have some final updates on just how well this year went!

Our final attendance was 3,231! This includes our ConCom, Guests of Honor, volunteers, pros, panelists, artists, dealers, and, of course, all of you wonderful people who came out to join us and enjoy the weekend.

There were 744 (and one-half) hours of programming over four days, brought to you by our volunteers and 224 panelists. That means that for every hour of the con, we had an average of seven different things going on…and that’s assuming we ran events around the clock! A more realistic estimate of about 50 hours of active programming time (noon-midnight Thursday, 9am-midnight Friday and Saturday, and 9am-4pm Sunday) works out to an average of 15 different things going on at any one point. Hard to be bored with a schedule like that!

Our non-ConCom volunteers—that is, those people who stopped by our Volunteer office during the convention to see where they could help out—put in over 500 hours! And the two who put in the most time during the weekend were both first-time attendees! Many, many thanks to all of you who volunteered, both on our ConCom and at the convention itself. We couldn’t do this without you!

Speaking of which: we’d love to see you (yes, you) join us as a volunteer, either at Norwescon 39 or throughout the year as part of our ConCom. If you are interested or are just curious, join us this July at our annual Volunteer Appreciation Picnic. Our formal planning meetings will kick off this August (the date will be announced here in July). Come on down and join the fun of putting Norwescon 39 together!

Finally, here’s a rundown of links to blog posts, photo sets, and a few videos that we’ve collected in the weeks following the con. We love seeing what your weekend was like and what you enjoyed (and even if something didn’t go perfectly, we can use that to work to improve things for next year), so if you have a post, photos, or videos that we didn’t find for this list, feel free to send them our way!

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NWC39 Election Results

We would like to congratulate Norwescon 39 Chair Katharine Bond and Vice-Chair Jeanine Swanson. We would also like to congratulate the elected members of this year’s Guest of Honor Committee, Gregory Gadow and William Sadorus.

May ConCom Meeting

NWC38 May ConCom

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? May’s Norwescon 38 planning meeting will be held Saturday, May 9, 2015.

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