Norwescon Camping Trip!

NWC Camping Trip

Want to connect with the Norwescon community more than once a year? Do you like nature? Join us for a camping trip — a few days by the beach, with all your nerdy friends, and nothing to do but catch up on your summer reading and cook food over an open fire! Sounds great, right?

Norwescon has reserved the group site at Manchester State Park for August 25 to 27.  Bring your tent* and sleeping bags, your summer reading, your campfire cuisine, and spend a couple of days chilling out in the woods with us!

If you’re interested, please contact SunnyJim Morgan to sign up. This event is open to all members of the Norwescon community.

*there are a limited number of RV sites available, too.

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May ConCom Meeting

NWC40 May ConCom

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? April’s Norwescon 40 post-con meeting will be held Saturday, May 13, 2017.

Speeding Through Registration – Tips for Arrival

We’re just four weeks out from Norwescon 40! In case you’re new to us, or if you could use a refresher, here are some tips on how to get through registration and get your badge once you arrive at the hotel.

In brief:

  • Badges are not sent out ahead of time, you pick them up at the registration desk.
  • You will need your printed and signed AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) form, which will be emailed to you about two weeks before the convention.
  • If you do not bring your AUP, you can print it out at registration.
  • If you have not pre-registered, you can do so at the convention.

Read on for more detailed information!

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No Room for Your Cloak of Invisibility

Are you a member of the convention that uses the Norwescon Cloak Room to store your belongings during the day? Well, we have some hard news to relay to you. At this time, we will be running the cloak room on a very limited basis during this year’s convention.

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