News from Norwescon June 2023


Please join us in welcoming this year’s Executive Team for Norwescon 46!

  • Chair – SunnyJim Morgan
  • Vice-Chair – Rob Stewart
  • Secretary – Michelle Morrell
  • Business Director – Tim Ketron
  • Treasurer – Shawna Batty
  • Convention Services – Felice Nightengale
  • Member Services – Alex Demboski
  • Personnel – Grace McKelvy
  • Programming – Peggy Stewart
  • Publications – Kat Marier
  • Special Events – Tabby L. Rose

If you’d like to volunteer, whether you’ve done so in the past or you’re brand new to joining the Norwescon Convention Committee, these are the people to talk to!

And check out this page for open volunteer positions!

Have an idea for a panel?

Now is the time to submit your ideas for panels to our programming department. We will gladly take your suggestions about what to bring forward, or bring back, to make the program engaging. You can also find the link to submit yourself as a panelist!

Join us for the Volunteer Picnic

Norwescon’s annual volunteer appreciation picnic will be held Sunday, August 6, at Steel Lake Park in Federal Way, Picnic Area #1. All volunteers, convention committee staff, and anyone curious about volunteering are welcome, free of charge. Optional: bring a side dish to share. More details are available here.

Norwescon Camping Trip

The Norwescon Camping Trip is back! Open to all Norwescon members, the trip will be held this year from August 25–27 in Pearrygin Lake State Park, near Winthrop. There is a cost of $15-20 per person for the weekend depending on how many people join. To RSVP or ask questions, email You can also visit the event page on Facebook!

Upcoming Reads for Norwescon’s Bibliophiles

Norwescon’s Bibliophiles, the official book club of Norwescon, welcomes all science fiction and fantasy readers. We are discussing Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree on July 17, this year’s Nebula Award-winning book Babel: An Arcane History by Rebecca Kuang on August 20, and the classic novel The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov on September 18. Most gatherings are online but we are meeting in person in August! More information at our Facebook page or email

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