This entry was published on December 19, 2016 and may be out of date. For the most current information on this year's Norwescon, please see our most recent blog posts. Thank you!
Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen a few updates roll out across the Norwescon website, and we wanted to take a moment to call attention to a few as we approach the end of 2016!
- We’re looking for more volunteers! Volunteering with Norwescon is a great way to get more involved with the convention, and we have lots of ways you can pitch in, whether it’s just for a few hours at the con, or by joining the Convention Committee (ConCom) and helping us plan. We encourage checking our Open Volunteer Positions page to see what catches your eye, but there are often other ways you can lend a hand. Here are a few that were mentioned at our last ConCom meeting:
- Programming needs people for Pro Check In, Stage Management, and Guest of Honor Liaisons (contact Programming).
- Our security team is looking for more people (contact Personnel).
- Our cloak room is undergoing a complete staff overturn and is looking for staffers (contact Personnel).
- Our Peace Bonding station is looking for people (contact Personnel).
- The Nerf Zombie Maze needs 10 (ten) people to dress up as zombies (contact Special Events).
- The Masquerade needs Stage Ninjas (contact Special Events).
- Want to run a game? The primary deadline for contacting our Gaming department to schedule a gaming session is January 15th — see our Gaming page for more details.
- Have your art critiqued! Applications for this year’s Artist Workshop close on February 1st. Find the details and the application form on the Artist Workshop page.
- Single Pattern Contest pattern posted! This year’s Single Pattern contest pattern is Simplicity 8196, the DC Bombshells Wonder Woman pattern. We’re excited to see what you can do with this as a base pattern! Details on the contest and links to the pattern are available on the Single Pattern Contest page.
- Art Show participants announced! We’ve just added our lineup of artists to our Art Show page — take a peek and see who will be exhibiting in this year’s Art Show!
- Membership Rates go up soon! The current rate of $55 for a full weekend membership to Norwescon 40 is only good through the end of 2016. If you haven’t picked up your membership yet, do it soon before the price goes up! See our Memberships page to get yours.
- Support Norwescon as you shop at Amazon Smile! As you’re finishing up your holiday shopping — or whenever you shop at Amazon over the course of the year — if you set Norwescon as your preferred charity at, we’ll get a small percentage as a donation (and it doesn’t increase your purchase price at all). We appreciate it!
And we think that wraps it up for now. Enjoy your winter holiday season, and look for more updates as we move into 2017 and ever closer to Norwescon 40!