Streamlined Staff Registration Process

The Member Services, Business, and Secretary teams have developed a streamlined process for staff registration, and want to keep all of you in the loop (especially prior to our first con com meeting).

Most staff will register at a ConCom meeting. For those staff who cannot attend meetings, the hiring exec will send a request to the Secretary team for that staff member to be sent a link to the Convention Master program, so that they can register.

The Secretary team owns Staff Registration. Katrina Marier will speak about the new registration process at both the exec and ConCom meetings. Cora Booth is acting as Staff Registrar. At the meetings, either Katrina or Cora are the points-of-contact for the Secretary team.

Cora will be available to guide you through the registration process, and will verify your payments in the Convention Master system. Katrina will update the Org Chart and maintain the staff Access database. At ConCom meetings, there will be someone from Registration, as well as Business, available to assist with the Registration process.

The secretary has assembled an initial org chart from information submitted by the exec team. Currently, it contains only the names and job titles for people already hired. She will fill in contact information as staff members register, based on their individual contact and privacy preferences.

Here’s how to register as staff:

  1. Get hired!
  2. Go to the Staff Registration Kiosk (at any ConCom meeting, or via the link emailed to you by the Secretary if you arranged to register remotely).
  3. Update your record in Convention Master. (Don’t have a record? No problem! Just enter your info and create one.) Kat or Cora will be available during ConCom meetings to assist you with this part of the process.
  4. Follow the instructions for payment.
    • ForPaypal, follow the prompts on the screen, and when finished, print your AUP (Acceptable Use Policy)/Receipt for your records.
    • For Cash or Checks, choose the “mail in” option. Print your AUP and give it to the Business Department person there at the kiosk with your payment.
    • Lifetime Members have the option of choosing a $0.00 payment. You don’t need to do anything else.
    • If you are, or anticipate being a Pro this year, we are still working on the process. Select the “mail-in” option, print out the AUP, and check with the Business Department person for the next step.
  5. Thanks for Registering! Here’s what happens next:

We will verify that you have paid (either from the Paypal report or the cash/check receipts from the Business Department), update Convention Master to show your payment, and update your information in the staff database. The secretary will add you to the Org Chart, and the contact information you have chosen to share with the rest of the concom will appear there.

Additional Information

There will be signs posted to help people go through the registration process. The staff registrar (and all others directly involved with this process) will have an expanded copy (including all opt-in questions) of this checklist to ensure accuracy.

The biggest change for this year is that we are not requiring the half page staff registration forms signed by the execs. The forms were a security gateway to prevent fraud; but since most staff sign up at meetings, we can nip any potential problems in the bud. We trust our staff.

For those staff who cannot attend meetings, the hiring exec will send a request to the Secretary team for that staff member to be sent a link to the Convention Master program, so that they can register.

If a request is received from someone who isn’t an exec, we will ask questions of the appropriate exec or the team as a whole to clarify that person’s position.

We will not be saving staff AUPs or receipts. The AUPs can easily be reprinted as we get closer to the convention. The check/cash receipts are already in triplicate so we will have a copy should need arise.

For the opt-in questions (voting, name in program book, etc.), we have requested that the Convention Master program be set so you cannot leave these questions unanswered. Since that change may not occur prior to the first meeting, the registrar checklist has all of these questions listed, and Cora will check to make certain staff answer them. On the off chance that someone fails to answer them, we will assume that leaving these questions blank means NO.

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